How to Optimization Pallet Storage and Picking

chapter five RightStore Pallets: Pallet Storage and Handling Systems


is high, it is often beneficial to store loads more than one deep in the rack. Alternative configurations include ■ ■ Double-deep storage with single-load-width aisles . Loads of the same SKU are typically stored in the same location. A modified storage/retrieval machine is capable of reaching into the rack for the second load. ■ ■ Double-deep storage with double-load-width aisles . The storage/ retrieval machine carries two loads at a time and inserts them simultaneously into the double-deep cubicle. ■ ■ Deep-lane storage with single-load-width aisles . A storage/retrieval machine dedicated to storing will store material into the lanes on either side of the aisle. The lanes may hold up to 10 loads each. On the output side, a dedicated retrieval machine will remove material from the racks. The racks may be dynamic, having gravity, or powered conveyor lanes. ■ ■ Rack-entry module (REM) systems. This is a system in which a REM moves into the rack system and places/receives loads onto/ from special rails in the rack. Another variation of the typical configuration is the use of transfer cars to transport storage/retrieval machines between aisles. Transfer cars are used when the storage requirement is high relative to the throughput requirement. In such a case, the throughput requirement does not justify the purchase of a storage/retrieval machine for each aisle, yet the number of aisles of storage must be sufficient to accommodate the storage requirement. A third system variation is the number and location of I/O points. Throughput requirements or facility design constraints may mandate mul tiple I/O points at locations other than the lower left-hand corner of the rack. Multiple I/O points might be used to separate inbound and outbound loads and/or to provide additional throughput capacity. Alternative I/O locations

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