How to Optimize Pallet Storage and Picking

Pallet Storage & Handling Systems


Figure 13 Inbound pallet stacking frames. (Ford, Atlanta, USA)

1.2 Static Racking Systems include single deep pallet rack, double deep pallet rack, drive-in rack, Single-Deep Pallet Rack Sp irnogvlied- idnege pi mpma el l de ti a rt ea c(kpi incgk -ifsa cae )s iamc cpel es s ctoon es tarcuhc tl oi oand os ft omr eedt a(li . eu.pnr oi g hh tosn ea yncdo mc r bo isns g- m) . e Umnbl ei kr es bi ml omc ke ds itaatcekl iyn ag v, awi lhaebnl ea i np aslilne gt l sep- da ec ee pi sr ac rc ek ai nt egd. bAyl s toh, es i rnecme or va ac kl ionfg ai sl osaudp, pao pr tai lnl eg t eovpeer ny i nl oga di s, sStKaUc ks icnagnhbeei gshtta icskne odtilni mt hi teesdabmyet hvee rsttiaccakl acbo il lui tmy na nodf /s ot orrcargues hs pa abci lei t. y o f t h e l o a d s , a n d m u l t i p l e

© Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D., Author, World Class Warehousing | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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