How to Optimize Pallet Storage and Picking
Pallet Storage & Handling Systems
1.1 Pallet Stacking Systems PS taal lcekti ns gt a Sc ky isnt eg ms ys .s tTehmesr eh aa vr ee pt wa lol e tt ys pset as c ok fe dp aol nl e tt ospt aoc fk ionnge saynsot et hmesr , –h ebnl oc cek t hs et a nc ka imn ge , Poaf lt leent referred to as floor storage, and pallet stacking frames. Block Stacking Bs tloorcakg set al acnkei ns g( br el of ec kr ss )t ot yupni ci ta llloya3d st os t1a0c kleoda dosndteoepp o. f Belaocchk os tt ha cekr i na ng di ss pt oarret di c uolna rtlhyeefflfoeoc tri vi ne wi n hl ea nr gtehienrcer ae mr eemn tusl ti .iep. l seepvaelrl ae lt sl opaedrs SoKf Ut h(es tsoacmk ek Se Ke pUi na gr eurnei ct )e iavnedd wa nhde/noirnwv ei tnhtdo rr ay wi sn tautr no ne de tsitma cek. iBnegc aius s ee ansoyr atcok i ni mg pi sl erme qeunitr,e da,ntdh e iitn vaelsl ot mwes n tniena ar - bi nl of icnki tset a fclkeixni gb isl iytsyt e fmo ri s flloowo r, sbpl oaccke configuration.
Figure 2 Block stacking in a Coca-Cola Plant Warehouse. (Charlotte, USA) Note that some loads are stacked one high, two high, two and half high by straddling adjacent stacks and some three high.
© Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D., Author, World Class Warehousing | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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