How to Optimize Pallet Storage and Picking
Pallet Storage & Handling Systems
Figure 39 Straddle Reach Truck, Sears Returns, GENCO Two basic straddle reach truck designs are available: mast and fork reach trucks. The mf o ar ks tr-er eaac hc hddees isgi gnnc oc onns issi tsst soof faapsaentt oo fg rt raapchk os ra sl ocni sgs ot hr se mo uotur ni gtgeedr os nt htahtesmu paps to. r t t h e m a s t . T h e The double-deep reach truck, a variation of the fork reach design, allows the forks to be extended to a depth that permits loads to be stored two deep. A typical straddle reach truck operates in a 8’ to 10’ aisle and costs in the range of $35,000. Driverless straddle reach trucks cost in the range of $80,000. Sideloading Trucks aAi sslied et ol o aa cdci ne sgst rsut oc rkalgoea dpso saint ido un ns .l oTa hdes rfer oamr e otnweos ibdaes, i tchsui sd eell oi ma di ne ar tdi negs itghnes n. eEeidt hteor t tuhren ei nn ttihr ee mmaasstt monoavepsaonntoagsreatpohf. tracks transversely across the vehicle, or the forks project from a fixed
© Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D., Author, World Class Warehousing | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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