How to Optimize Pallet Storage and Picking
Pallet Storage & Handling Systems
• Rp laacckese/nrtercyemi voeds ul ol ead( Rs EoMn t)o/s yf rsot emmsspienciwalhriachi lsai nR Et hMe mraocvke. s i n t o t he ra ck s ys t em a n d Another variation of the typical configuration is the use of transfer cars to transport Sr e/ lRa tmi v ae cthoi nt he es tbhertowuegehnp ua it srl ee qs . u iTr reamn es nf et r. Icna rssu ac hr ea ucsaesde , wt hhee nt htrhoeu gs thoprua tg reerqeuqi ur ei rme me netndt oi se shni goht jbues tsiuf yf f itchiee nptutroc haacsceo mo fma no dSa/tRe mt haecshtionreafgoer reeaqcuhi raei sml ee,nyte. t t h e n u m b e r o f a i s l e s o f s t o r a g e m u s t A third system variation is the number and location of I/O points. Throughput roet hq euri r tehmaenn tt hs eo rl ofwa ceirl i tl eyf td ehsaingdn ccoornnset rra oi nf t st hme arya cmk .a nMd ua tl tei pml eu lIt/i Op l ep oI /i nOt sp mo i ni gths tabt el oucsaet di o nt os sAel tpearrnaat tei vi en bI /oOu nl od c aa nt ido nosuitnbcol uu dn ed tlhoea dt ys paenodf/ tohre tsoy sptreomv i ad te t ahde deint ido noaf l t ht he rroaucgkh(psuotmcea pAaSc/iRt yS. are built underground) and the middle of the rack. A typical as/rs machine costs in the range of $500,000. Automated Guided Storage/Retrieval Vehicles Av euht oi cml east reedc egiuvied ec do msmt our angi cea/trieotnr itehvraol uvgehhai cnl de sr ua nr eo dn rai vgerrilde sos f cwoiurne tsebr bu ar il ea dn cae f rt rauc ct ikosn. oAf Sa Rn iwn ac hg eb reanteeast ha rteh eh isguhr;f awc he eonf wl aabroerh iosussceafrl eoso; r a. nAdS Rw vheehn i cml eosvaer reartaerseabr ue t hciagnh ,bset aj ubsl tei, f iaenddwohveenr predictable paths. ASR vehicles cost in excess of $100,000.
© Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D., Author, World Class Warehousing | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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