The Language of Logistics
Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.
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RightChain™ industrial shelving ps hr eo lvvi idneg sctoonr as gt reufcotre dh ewa ivt yh wh eeai gvhy tgma ua gt eermi a al st earni da l ps aacnkda dg ee ss i g n e d t o in-gate tohreinatcetrivmitoydoaflcfhaceiclkitiyng a container or trailer into a container yard inland carrier abettrwaneespnoprotarttsioanndcoimnlpanadnypowinhtisch hauls export or import traffic integrated business planning (IBP) pa r ho icgehs lsy isnt treugcrtautri endg , aonpdt i rme igzui nl agr, l ya lri eg pn ei nagt i, n ag nbdu srienceosns c ipl il na ng n ti nh ge ps al al enss, foi nf at nr ac de ,i toi opne ar al ltyi oinnsd, eapnedn dl oegni ts t bi cuss ti ny pe si csa lal cy t imv iot ri ees f iinnacnl uc di ai lnl yg and strategically oriented than sales and operations planning inter-planetary logistics l p o r g o i g s r ti a c m s b ) etween planets (e.g. international space station logistics interline freight ftrreaingshptomrtoavtiionng flirnoems oproicnatrorifeorrsigin to destination via two or more intermediate carrier aorcdarerliiveerrmyotoviangdegsotoindastiaolonng a route without pickup at an origin intermodal eamn oprloigyiinngantwd oa odrestrtainnastpioonrtation modes to move product between international logistics manager ap uprrcohfaess isni og n a l t coo l l acbroeraat tei n g twi mi tehl ym, a n cuof amcpt ul irai nn tg, , m caor ks te-tei fnf ge ,c tainv de import/export supply chains
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