The Language of Logistics

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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RightChain™ inventory quality ratio IRR internal rate of return ISCP integrated supply chain planning ISR inventory to sales ratio issuing bank bank issuing a Letter of Credit on behalf of an importer (buyer) ITC International Trade Commission item level tagging pRaFlIlDett-alegvgeilntgaogfgiinngdividual products, as opposed to case-level and ITI in-transit inventory inventory turnover (IT, ITR) nofuamnbneuraol fsat ilmeseas ti ncovsetnttoorayvet ur ar ng es ei navcehnyteoarry evxapl ur ees s ed a s t he r a t i o inventory value added (IVA) ac onmi npvuetne tdo rays p et hr feo rdmi f af enrceenmc ee abseutrwe et er na d ge mr oas rs k emdabr yg i Rn i g( hGtMC h) a ai nn™d inventory carrying cost (ICC) IPC (1) inventory policy cost (2) integrated planning calendar IPV intelligent picking vehicle IQR

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