The Language of Logistics

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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AIS automatic identification system aisle (a1n)d s/ po ar ceequusi pe dm teon ta c( c2o) ms mp aocde abt ee ttwh ee emn osvteomr aegnet coof mmpeanr, t mm ae nt et rsi ai nl , pwahsiscahg ae nt haauttpormoavtidedessat oc cr easgse taonsdt orreatgr ieev al m a c hin e op er a t es ( 3) aisle space percentage (ASP) percentage of floorspace in a facility devoted to aisles aisle transfer car bmeatcwheinene aoirslveeshicle for transferring a storage/retrieval machine AIV average inventory value algorithm sgeivqeunenpcreobolfeimnstructions with a finite number of steps that solve a ALI allocated inventory all in aolrli-ginincltuosdiveesttinoatatilopnrice to transport cargo door-to-door from allision roebfjeercetnce to an incident of a moving vessel striking a stationary allocated inventory "s up ne ct oi fui cc hcaubs lteo"m, reersse, rcvheadn innevl es ,n pt ourryp soes te sa, s oi dr ed ef or sr aa nn dd /doerd ibcua st iende ts os units (aka “allocation” or “stock allocation”)


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