The Language of Logistics
140 | The Language of Logistics titosrceucsetiovdey, diselpiveerfro, rsmtaegde, store, control and account for freight in maritime atrcatnivsiatyctoedr ubpusoinnethses soefaoorrpienrstaeainpionrgtsto commerce or navigation markdown dmiescrochuanntdiinsethe original or previous retail price of a piece of markup dlainffdeerednccoestbetween the retail selling price of an item and its total master carton ap a cl akraggeers ourn icfaorrtmo n ss hr iepdpui cnign g cma rat toenr i acl ohnat anidnliinngg aont dh epr r ostme catlilnegr t(haekas“mmaallsetreritpeamcks”)and packages during handling and transport master data dsyantachermonpilzoayteiodn across multiple business transactions for data materials handling imn at rtae-rfiaacl si l ittoy, f rmo mo v, eamn de nbte, t ws teoerna pg er o, dcuocnt itvreo lp raonc eds s pe sr ot thercotui ognh o uotf tdhisepopsraolcess of manufacturing, distribution, consumption and materials management aa l ml oarnaa gpeomr tei on nt foufnpc ut irocnh ai ns ianng , oi rngvaennitzoart yi ocno wn tirt oh l r, et rsapfof inc s, isbhiil pi tpy i nf ogr, receiving, and warehousing
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