The Language of Logistics
The Language of Logistics
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metric ton 2,205 pounds metropolitan statistical area (MSA) ma roerleatciovuelnytideisstinct metropolitan area typically comprising one or mezzanine (s 1t o) rfileoso rbsept awceeecnr eaant ye df lboyo rc oannsdt r cuec itliinngg i no ft ear nmye dbiuaitl ed ionrg f ruascet di o nf oarl s( bt ouri al tg ea so paenr aitni ot engsr a( l2 )e lteymp eesn ti nocfl uad e bfuriel de i ns gt a’ sn dsitnrgu,c ti unrt ee )g,r aatne dd modular (pre-built with quick installation)
MFN most favored nation MHE material handling equipment
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