The Language of Logistics
144 | The Language of Logistics minimum bill of lading afocrlaisussueiningathbeilbl oilfl lading specifying the minimum fixed fee or rate mixed case a case containing products of multiple SKUs mixed pallet a pallet containing cases of multiple SKUs MLT manufacturing lead time mobile equipment gwei nt he irna l a nr edf eorue tnsci de et oa fma caitl ei tryi atl o htarna dn lsi pn og r te qmuai pt emr ieanl st , tpheaot p ml e oavneds maintenance/service supplies mobile rack ep na tl li er et rr aa cc kk swt ri tuhc twu rhee eallso na gt tt hr aec bk sa seempbeerdmdiet dt i ni ng tmh eo vf leomo re n t o f t h e
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