The Language of Logistics

The Language of Logistics

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N Terms NAFTA North America Free Trade Agreement NAV narrow aisle vehicle

narrow aisle vehicle (NAV) an al ri frtotwr ue cr k tphearnm ittht oi nsge r ni gohrtmaanl gl yl e rset qo ur ai rgeed a nbdy r ce ot rui envt ea rl bi na l aani scleeds tvreuhcikclsebsut in aisles wider than those required by very narrow aisle nautical mile distance of one minute of longitude at the equator NCBFAA National Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association of America negative picking a picking technique sometimes engaged for order quantities greater than two-thirds of container quantities in which order pickers pick the container quantity less the amount required on the order. For example, if there are 100 pieces in a carton and the order is for 80 pieces, the order picker picks 20 pieces out of the carton, places those 20 pieces in another carton, and puts the carton with the 80 remaining pieces into the order being picked. In another example, if there are 40 cartons on a pallet and the order calls for 35 cartons, the order picker picks 5 cartons and places them on another pallet, and puts the pallet with the remaining 35 cartons in to the order.

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