The Language of Logistics

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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RightChain™ arrival notice ncaortrifiiecraotifoanshofipt’shear“rnivoatlify party” and “also notify party” by a artificial intelligence (AI) ai nbtiel irtpy r eotf nae wmcaocnhdi ni tei o onrs , sdyesctiedme wt oh a at ua tcot imo na tsi cmaul lsyt bpee rpceeri fvoer ma ne dd wu ni tdhe rmt ahien caopnpdliitci aotni os ,nasnidn pel xa pn ecrot nssyesqt eume nst, i ac lo amcpt iuotnesr avcicsoi or nd ,i nagnl dy fuzzy logic ASEAN Association of Southeast Asia Nations ASN advance shipment notification ASP (1) application service provider (2) aisle space percentage ASRS automated storage and retrieval system appraisement dcuestetormmisnoaftfiiocniaol f the dutiable value of imported merchandise by a apron conveyor cvoenrtviceaylohr awnditlhingatotfapcahcekdagpersoojercotibnjgectasrms, or shelves used for APS advanced planning and scheduling APU auxiliary power unit ARQ average replenishment quantity

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