The Language of Logistics
The Language of Logistics
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PN part number (see SKU) PO purchase order
POC (c1o)ntpaucrtchase order cost: (2) point of consumption (3) point of POD (1) proof of delivery (2) port of discharge (3) port of destination POE port of entry POET purchase order entry time poka yoke (p1r)e vae nJtai npga ni necsoer rteecrtmp amr tes af nr oi nmg b"emi nigs tma kaed eporro oa sf isnegm" b(l 2e d) d e v i c e point of sale (POS) epxuar ccth a sl oecda ti ni o nr e t awi lh, etryep i cma lol yn eay c aesxhc hraeng igset se r hbaunt di sn c rfeoar s i nggoloyd as mobile PDA or web site POL port of loading POO (1) port of origin (2) point of origin POF probability of failure POG point of generation
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