The Language of Logistics
170 | The Language of Logistics purchase order cost (POC) tphl ae nc aons td oe fx el ac bu ot er ,a mp ua trec rhi aa sl se, osryds et er mi nsc launddi ntge loercdoemr mf o ur mn i sc,apt ioosnt as gteo, telecommunications, authorization, planning, execution, expediting, monitoring, and receiving purchasing agent poregrasonnizaotrioenntity authorized to make purchase agreements for an push (s 1p )e ci nu vl aetni vt oe r iyn mv eondt eolr syo, mc aal ldeed ibne crae us ps eo nt hs ee et mo pf ohraesci as si tseodn dpeums ha inndg, omuot dtehl ewdhoeonr mt oa ncuufsat cotmu rei rnsg (u2t)i l if zi na at inocni ailsl yc roi ut i tcpael raf no rdmt sh et hc eo spt uol fl prirsokdoufcotibosnoliesshceignhcerelative to inventory carrying cost and to the push back rack (PBR) pp aa ll ll ee tt rraaci lks eaql luoi wp pi ne gd wp riot hd upcatl l teot csaarf reil eyr smroi dv ei n wg gi tehni nt l ya obna iyn calti nt ehde nudging of lift trucks storing and retrieving pallets in the bay
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