The Language of Logistics

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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reader field (R1F)I Da rteaag swoi tuht isni dwe ht hi cehr ebaadr ecrofdi eelsd odroRnFoItDr et ac ge si v me raaydbi oe w“ raevaeds” a(n2d) cilalunmnoint abteedraenadd c(a3n)nboatrbecosdcaensnoeudtside the reader field are not readiness gseernveeraitlsrienfeternendceedtpoutrhpeodseegree to which a resource is prepared to red-yellow-green (RYG) twyhpei ct ahle r caonl oi nr sd i cuasteodr i si ni n tpreoruf bo lrem, iannccaeu t si oc no r, eobr oi na rtdosl e rianndci ec a t i n g reliability aw iqt huoaul itt yi nmt eerarsuuprtei o no f i nh oswe r vwi ceel l dau ed etvoi c em eocrh as ny si ct ae ml o rp ecrof onrtmr osl failure reimbursing bank t“ ha ve a ibl aa bnlke wd ei tshi g” nbaat ne dk wi nh i ac h Lseut bt emr i tosf pCa ryemdei tn tt oc l ariemi ms buunrdseer tt hh ee Letter of Credit rental pallet po ra lml eot roewpnaerdt i ebsy (aa ltshoi rsde ep “apr tayl l ea tn edxrcehnatnegdeoprrloegarsaemd ”f)o r u s e t o o n e reorder point (ROP) pi nl av ce endt onr oy rlme vael ll ya ct owmhpi cuht ead raeso rt dh ee ra (voerr arge ep lleena idsthi mm ee ndterme qa nu de spt )l ui ss saarfeept yl esntioschkm(e2n) ti novrednetro(rayklae “voerl daet rwphoiicnht ”f a) l l in g i n v en t o r y t r i g g e r s replenishment cycle time pe lhaypssiecda l tri me cee ibpett (waekean“ rt ehpe lleanuins hc hmoefnat rl eeapdl etni mi s eh”m) e n t o r d e r a n d i t s


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