The Language of Logistics

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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assembly area area used for collecting and combining materials or orders assembly cycle time eolfatpassekds twimheenreaqssueirmebdlfionrg aahpurmodauncot r robot to accomplish a group assembly line balancing ds ui vc ihd itnhga t a tnhde aws os irgkn ei nf fgo rwt oarnkd ttoi mper oi ng r ee as cs ihv es t aa tsisoenmi bs l ye x sa tcat tl iyo no sr nearly equivalent asset tracking R e p n l F a a I c D b in l i t g n r g a t n ra s r p e c a k o l i n - n t d g im e r d e s e , v o i a n c u e o t s o r m i i n n a c t l h u e i d d gh in - lo v g a c b a lu a ti e r o a n c s o s d i e d e t e s s n , a t G i n f P d ic S / a o t u i r n o c n it o s n t a t h a n e i d r n e / e b o r y s r increasing asset utilization and security assignment tehnedtorrasninsfgear obfilrliogfhltasd, tinitgle and interest in order to assign goods by assortment mreitxaiolirngportfolio of products or SKUs typically associated with ATA (A1d)maicstsuiaolntTimeme poof raarirrievaAld(m2)isAsimonerican Trucking Association (3) ATA Carnet (f r1e)ei nt teemr npaotri ao rnya l i cmups toor mt so fd og oc uo md se nf ot rp eurpmti ot t i on ng ed uy teya-rf r (e2e )a ni ndi ttiaa xl s- "" AA Td mA "i s sai roen aTne mapcor or aniyrme / Toe fm pt hoer a rFyr eAn cdhm i sasnido n "E n(g3l )i s ht y pwi coar ldl ys up sr ee ds e nttoa t icoonv oe rr ussaema tp tl er as d; epfraoi rf se,ssshi oonwasl , eexqhui ibpi mt i oennst,; e tgco. o d s f o r


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