The Language of Logistics
188 | The Language of Logistics shallow draft vessels (SDV) ibnalregtsesa,nsdhicplso,soertfoerorcieesanopsehroarteilning epsrimarily on rivers, canals, bays, shelf life amount of time for a product’s acceptable use shelving as hsetlovreasg de essyi gs nt eemd tcoo nhsot ur us ec t es dm aolfl uqpuraing thitt i ems eot af l l opoosset s aanndd cma ret toanl quantities
shipper person or entity retaining a carrier to move freight shipping (o1r )i g ai nl l taoc t ai o nd se set xi neac tui toend (b2y) awci tahrirni e trhien cmo no vf iinnegs porfo da uwc ta rf reohmo uas ne shipping includes the activities of sortation, order assembly,
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