The Language of Logistics

204 | The Language of Logistics street time time a container or trailer is away from a railroad’s possession stretch wrap athpelafisltmicafirlomunudsetdhteoloseacdure unit loads by encircling and stretching strip to unpack/unload a container stuff to pack or load a container substitution ws hhi pe np e ad tpor ao dc uu cs tt oamc ceer pi nt albi el eu ot of t thheep cr ou ds tuocmt tehr a ti swoafsf er reeqdu etsot eadn d SUC setup cost Suezmax reference to the largest vessels that can navigate the Suez Canal supplier service policy (SSP) pp oe rl ifceyc ts pPeOc i fpy ei nrgc eknetya gseu,p po nl i -etri ms eer vdi ceel i vr ee qr yu,i rreems pe onnt ss e( e t. gi m. f ei l,l reat ct e. ), within commodities within ABC valuations of suppliers supply chain (SC) isny fsrtaesmt rsu, chtiug rhew aoyfs , rf aa icl two ar iyess a, n dw taerremh oi nuas less c, o npnoer ct st i, n gi nc foonrsmu amt ieorns and suppliers supply chain blind spot aanpdla/coer ionrdtheerssuisplpolsyt cohrauinnawvhaielraebltehe visibility of inventory levels

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