The Language of Logistics
The Language of Logistics
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TQM total quality management track and trace rmeotrvieemvienngtaannddaloncaalytizoinngofregaolo-tdisme, digital information about the track class mf e di neirma lugmo vs earf entmy erne tq, umi roerme es nt rtisnfgoernrtaai ls ttrraaci nk sa ps eeesdt asbi lni sc hr eeads be y t h e trade imbalance danisdcreexppaonrctsy between the monetary value of a country’s imports trailer rt reacnt asnp gour tl aorf sghoaopdesdo bnorxa iwl , iht hi g hp we ramy aonrean ct owmhbeienl as tai ot tna c h e d f o r t h e tramp line oc aclelai nng caatrar ni eyr poopretrwa thi negr ecchaarrgt oe rmvaeys sbeel sanv aoitl aobnl er e g u l a r s c h e d u l e s transload tcoonpthayinsiecratlloyatnraonthseferr product from one transportation vehicle or transparency dwehgi rcehet ht oe ywahriec he sttraabdl ei s hp eodl i ,cai er se aonp de np, rhaocnt iecsets, , aannddptrheed ipcrt oa cbel es s b y transportation management system (TMS) soopfttiwmai zr ae t ioorn oofnrl oi nuet e as ,pmp loi cdaetsi,oann dmraant easg i n g t h e m o v e m e n t a n d transship f(r1o)mtraonnsefevresgsoeoldtos farnoomthoenre carrier to another (2) transfer goods
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