The Language of Logistics

228 | The Language of Logistics warehouse control system (WCS) as ylsatyeemr o( fWs Mo f St w) aa nr ed ol po we reart i lnegv eblemt waecehni nae wc oanr et rhoolus ,s et ymp iacna al l gyetmh oe snet oc of nat r mo l a tseyrsitael mh apnrdol vi ni dg e ss y st theem r e( ae .l g- t. i mi ne s ao ur tt aotmi oant i oan weaxreechuot ui osne ccoarnttornosl odfocwarntodnivsecrotmlainnegsinto the system through releasing those warehouse management system (WMS) pwaacrkeahgoeuds eo rt r calnosuadc-tbi oa ns es di nstoe fnt wd eadr et of ocro ne xt reoc lu tt ihneg ma no vd e mm ae nn at gai nn dg sa tsosroacgi aet e odf t rma na st earcitai ol sn sw, iint hc il nu d ian g wsahri ephpoi nugs ,e r eacnedi v i np gr o, cpeustsa wt ha ye and picking warehouse order cycle time (WOCT) et ol atphseetdi mt i emteh fer oo rmd ea rn i os rpdi ec kr ebde,i np ga crkeel eda, sl ae bd etlol etdh, es wt a ag reedh, oa un sderfel aodo yr for shipping waveless picking pp ii cc kk ii nn gg assc ohpe mp oes eidn t owihni cl ahr goer,ddeirssc r ea er et wcaovnet si noura bl l ayt crheel es a s e d f o r waybill do roicgui nm e na nt du s edde st toi noaftf ii oc ina, l l yf odrews ca rridbien ga sahni pdm er ne ct ei idvei nn gt i f ysi nt agt itohne, induemn tbi et ire, s r oo uf t icnogn, s idg ensocrr i pa nt ido n c oannsdi g nweeei,g hc to not fa i nt he er icnoimt i aml so dai nt yd, iwn as tyrbui cl lt iroenf esrfeonrcsepfeocri aplr seevri vo iucse ss ,erravti ec e, tsoat na ldcthhaer ga emso, audn vt apnr ceepsa ai dn d

WCS warehouse control system WCU weight capacity utilization

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