The Language of Logistics
The Language of Logistics
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WIP work-in-process wire guidance mc oentfhi no eds oo ff ae sl et oc trraognei ca i svl ee hni colrem ag lul yi d ea xnecceu t teydp iwc ai tl hl y a ws mi t ha il nl wtihr ee buried in the floor WMS warehouse management system WOCT warehouse order cycle time work-in-process (WIP) rmaowd i mf i eadt ei nr i af ol rtmh,act oinst ennot t, pianc kfai ngiisnhge, da nfdo/romr vbaul ut et h a t h a s b e e n workplace logistics li on gs pi set ci ct si o ant s at a twi oonr ,keptlca. c) es o(me . ge .t i ams es es mr ebf leyr rsetda ttioo na ,s pe ar gc ko innogmsi tcast i o n , write once, read many (WORM) athnerReFaIfDtert,atghethtaagt mmaayyobnelywberirteteand to on a single occasion (2) write range distance from which data can be written to an RFID tag write rate rvaetreifiaetd washbicehindgactoarriescwt ritten into an RFID tag's memory and WTO World Trade Organization WWD weather working days
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