The Language of Logistics

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

| 43

barrel equivalent of 42 U.S. gallons of petroleum bartering tprraondsuaccttsi o, snebr ve ti cwees e, na nadB/ uo yr eprr ai vni dl e Sg ee lsl earnidn vdoelvvoi ni dg ot hf et heex cehx ac nh ag ne goef of monies base pallet (r 1a n) dpoaml l el yt sseerl evci nt egd a sp atlhl eet f uo us endd attoi o nd eftoerr ma i ns tea ctkh eo f s tpraelnl egttsh ( 2o r) durability of a group of pallets batch manufacturing oprrobdautcchinegs parts or bulk goods in non-continuous, discrete runs, batch picking (m1a) xpi mi c ki zi ne go mr doerre ptihcakni nogneef foi rcdi eenrcayt, ab yt i ma geg r( 2e g) agtri no ug pai lnl go or dr de er sr sf ot or tf ahcees ar me qeuiitrei nmg asnudbps iecqkui ne gn tt hme me c ahlal ndiuc ar ilnog ra ms i anng ul eavl issoi trttoi ntgh eopf itchke- merchandise to reestablish order integrity before shipping


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