The Language of Logistics
Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.
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A Terms A-Frame ap ur ot odmu catt endu, mh ibgehr- shpoeuesde, dp iienc eo npei c ko irn gm os yr es t, esmi d ew- bi tyh- sei da ceh vue nr ti iqcua el , bd ei sl pt ec on ns ivnegy omra(gaakzai n“easu two hmi caht efdo rdmi s paenn“sAi n- Fg r” )a m e ” o v e r a t a k e a w a y
AAPA American Association of Port Authorities AAR (1) against all risks (2) Association of American Railroads abandonment (d1i s) c opnrtoi nc eueedsi ne rgv i ci ne i nw ha li lc ho r ap a cr at rorfi eirt s sr eoeukt es aanudt/hoorr ilzi antei,o onr tt oo relinquish ownership/control of its cargo or vessel (2) shipper or
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