The Language of Logistics

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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BOL bill of lading BOM bill of material bombadier sorter ss owritnagt ii no ng dsoyosrt se mt h r oi nu gwh hc ihcuht eist et mo as daersei r eddr ol opcpaet di o nd (oawk na “ bt hormo ub ga hy sorter”) bond port p“foirrsttwphoertreoftchaelli”n)itial customs entry of a vessel is executed (aka bonded goods dutiable goods, upon which excise duty has not been paid bonded warehouse (g1o)o dwsaor enhwo uh si cehapuat yh mo rei znet do fbdy uCt iuesst oi smdse faeurtrheodr ui tni et si l ftohre sgtooor ad gs ea roef rwehmeor ev eddu t(i2a )b lseelcaunrdeedd fiamc ipl iot ryt ss ua pr ee rs vt oi sreedd bp ye ncduisntgo tmh se i ar ur teh- eoxr pi toi er st ,, oorthreerlecahsaerognesassessment and payment of import duties, taxes, and booking sthpeacaeccreepsetarnvacetioanndorcaarrrriaanggeeomf efrnetisghbty a shipper with a carrier for booking number (BN, B/N) ar e suenr vi qaut ieo nn uf omr ecrai rcr i oa gr e aul ps ehda ntuoms ee rc iucr ei deeqnutiipf ime re nfto ra n ad ascpteac isf iac control number prior to completion of a bill of lading bottom-up forecasting (BUF) fsot ar ertciansgt ipnogina pt pf orroda cehmeamndp lfooyriencga sptoi ni ngt o f c o n s u m p t io n d a ta a s t h e


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