The Language of Logistics

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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captive pallet psyasllteetminotreonwdenderfsohripuse within the confines of a single facility, cargo physical freight loaded into a container, trailer, rail car, or vessel cargo agent irnedtuivrindfuoarl coormcomripsosrioantiopnayrmeteanintsed by a carrier to solicit freight in cargo manifest document listing all cargo on a specific vessel voyage or trip cargo NOS cargo not otherwise specified cargo not otherwise specified tuhnedreart ae es pn et rcyi fiinc iat et amr iof frt shuabt –c ai tne ma pipnl yt ht eo caopmp lmi caobdliet i et asrni fof t c o v e r e d cargo density ratio of the weight of cargo to the cube of cargo car-on-track conveyor constantly spinning tube propelling a carrier along its guidepath


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