The Language of Logistics
Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D. ef ovlildoewnecde db ybtyh ei ndsact rei, bpilnagc eapcar yoas sb l et haen df aaccec eopft oar ' sbsi lilg n"aatcucreep t e d , " accepting bank the bank on which drafts are drawn and that has agreed to accept a draft in a letter of credit accessorial charges (c 1o )n cnhe ac rt igoens wf o irt hs ucpapr lgeomt er annt as rpyo sr et ar tvi iocne ss ua nc hd apsr ilvoi al edgi ne sg ,pur no vl oi da de di nign, nd oe mt tuy rpri ac ag lel ,y di ne tcel undt ieodn i, ns tt oh reafgr ee ,i gphi tc kc h- uapr gaenadn dd eul si vuearlyl y (i2n)v oc hi caerdg ae ss a flat fee accessorial services si ne cr lvui cdei ns gp eprifcokrumpe, dd ienl i va edrdyi t, i os ing nt oa tnuor remsaelr tvriac ne ,s paonrdt a st ti oo nr asgeer v(iac ke as “ancillary services”) accident ua nn dp /l aonr neeqdu iopcmc uernrte, ni nc ej u wr yhoi crhi l ml n ae ys s rteos uplet r isno ndsa, ma na dg e/ otro apdrvoepr es re tl yy affects an activity or function accordion conveyor rinollleenrgctohnveyor with a flexible latticed frame permitting variation | 21
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