The Language of Logistics
70 | The Language of Logistics container freight station li on ct oa t ci oonn tda ei ns ei gr ns abt ye dt hbey c caar rr ri ei er r os rf ot hr er ebcoeni vd iendg l coac ragt ioo nt odbees i gl onaadt ee dd by carriers for devanning containerized cargo container manifest dc oonc ut emn et sn t a rnedq ul ioraeddi nbgy si ne tqeurennact ei o, npaol i lnatw onf a omr ii ng ign t, haencdo nptoaiinnte ro’ sf destination container pool ashgarereinmgeonfta bsueptwpleye(npopoalr)toiefscofnatcailiintaetrisng the efficient use and container return ratio (CRR) roaftoioneouf pthreignhut mcobnetraionfecrollapsed containers that equal the height container load capacity maximum content weight a container can safely hold Container Security Initiative (CSI) Ud e.Ss.t incaerdg of ors et hcue rUi tny i tpedr oSgtraatmes wmhaeyr bebeyi ncsopnetcat ei nderoinz ead s ecal ercgtoi vees basis at many foreign ports before loading on a vessel container ship o ca c l e l a e n d vessel that transports cargo in large containers, a technique containerization
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