The Language of Logistics
72 | The Language of Logistics ddiesscihgnargoef the device and equipped with points of loading and corporate logistics logistics between facilities of the same corporation Cost and Freight (CFR) IdNi sCcOh Ta rEgReMs t uh ne dme wr wh ehni cthh ae yS ae lrlee ro nc lbeoa ar sr dt ht he ieri rg ov oe sdssefl oart et xhpe oprot rat nodf stohitphme ennatmwedheproerut poof ndetshteinSaetliloenr bears the risk and cost of freight Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) dI Ni sCcOh Ta rEgReMs t uh ne md e wr wh ehni cthh ae yS ae lrlee ro nc lbeoa ar rs dt ht he ieri rg ov oe sdssefloart et xhpe oprot rat nodf sinhsipumraenncte twohtehreenuapmoend tphoertSoeflldeerstbienaartsionthe cost of freight and cost of goods sold (COGS) (p1r )o dfuocr t ma vaani luafbalcet uf or er ds a iltee m( 2s) fionrc lpurdoecsu raeldl ictoesmt ss iinnc lmu daeksi nagl l tt hh ee costs to purchase the item and make it available for sale cost-to-serve (CTS) ti nh ve e nttootrayl c a( trrrayni ns gp,oerttca. t)i oc ons, t taod rme isnpios nt rda ttioo no r, sreertvuer an sc u shtaonmdel irn g , COT cut-off time
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