The Language of Logistics

The Language of Logistics

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deactivation rendering an RFID transponder inoperable deck the top or bottom surface of a pallet deckboards top or bottom surface boards of a pallet

dead inventory wi nivtehni nt otrhye po nr i ohratnwde lfvoer mp roondt husc t(sa kt ah a“ti nhaac vt iev eniontv ebneteonr yr”e)q u e s t e d deadhead e( 1m) pat yt r a vt real nlsepg oirnt aat i or onu t ee qwui ti phmo uetnpt a y(i n3g) carreg-ol o(c2a)t i or en- l o coaf t i n ag transportation crew deadweight cargo a long ton of cargo that can be stowed in less than forty cubic feet deadweight tonnage (DWT) tcha er gnou, msbt eorr eosf t oannsd o/ fo 2r , 2l4i q0upi dosu n ds os mt heat ti ma evse s sme le caasnu rterda n sapso r tt hoef dd ii fsfpelraecnecse “bl ei gt hwte” e na nt dh e tnhue mnbuemr ob fe rt o no sf ot fo wn sa t ietr da ni s pe ml a pc et ys vwe shseenl submerged to its “load line” deconsolidation point nspalmitetdriploscation where consolidated cargo is de-consolidated for decking wtoesludpedpowritrleo(agdrsaotifnvga)rpialabcleedsioznesshelves, rack load beams or walks deficit weight weight by which a shipment is less than the minimum weight

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