The Language of Logistics
The Language of Logistics
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DP demand planning D&P drop and pull DPMO defects per million opportunities DPO days payable outstanding
draft (d1i r) e fcot ri nmg aal , swe cr iotnt edn pfai nr tayn tcoi a pl ai ny sat r tuhmi redn pt a“ rdt rya ft theedr”e bbyy l oe nv ee r pa ga irnt gy tarnuds trwi sokr mt hayn iangteemr me ne dt i(a2r)i ensu mt ob fearc oi l fi tfaeteet itnhtaetr tnhaet iho un lal l opf aaysmh iepn ti ss beneath the surface of the water drawback gf uolol dosr apraerrt ei a–le rxepf ourntde do ff r ao nm i tmh pe oc rotu fneter yutshuaatl lcyo lol ec cc ut erdr itnhge bf eeec a( auks ae “duty drawback”) drawee ipnadyimviednutal or firm that issues a draft and thus stands to receive drawee bank bank named in a Letter of Credit on which drafts are to be drawn drayage (i n1t)e rmmoovdeaml et enrtmoi fn aal tcooonrt af ri no emr aocru tsrt ao iml eerr ’tsof aocri l iftryofmo r al o ar da ii lnrgo aodr ub an sl oi sa d( i3n)g c(h2a)r gt rea nmsapdoer t af ot iro nl o coaf l mhaatuelri ni agl s bayn dd rfarye i gohr t t or unc ak l(oackaal “cartage”)
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