The Language of Logistics
24 | The Language of Logistics ADA o( 1f )Dheifgehn-sl ee v(e2l)pAr mo gerraimc amn ’isnwg liat hn gDui as agbe iul ist ei eds bAyctth e U . S . D e p a r t m e n t adaptive control cc oo nn tt irno ul omu es lt yh oadn du saeudt ot mo aatci hc ai el lvye andej ua sr t- ionpgt i cmo un mt r opl epr af or ar mm ae nt ec res bi ny response to measured process variables adaptive robot rwoibt ho t o et hqeuri pmp ae cdh iwn iet sh, aonnde coormmmourne i ceaxtti enrgn wa l i tshe no st ho resr , cionmt epr fuatceer ds benyvirdoentmecetnintg, measuring, and analyzing data about its ADD average daily demand address aa us np ieqcui fei cn us tmo er ar igcea lsol or ta, l fpahcai nngu, moer r il coac la itdi oenn t ii nf i ear uwsaerde thoo du es es i g( n2 a) t ae si tps e cliof iacdd ersetpi nraetsieonnt el odc aet ii ot hne fro raas n aa u tcoommabtienda tgi uo ni d e od f v emh ai cgl ne eot rs oemn tbheedfdleodorin the floor or a combination of light and dark markings
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