The Language of Logistics
The Language of Logistics
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FG finished goods FGI finished goods inventory FHWA Federal Highway Administration FIFO first-in-first-out
fill rate (FR) (s1to)cpkortion of customer demand satisfiable and satisfied from finished goods (FG) ai ns vs ee nmt bo lriye s , tahnadt phaac sk a gcionmg palnedt e di s raelal d yc of on rv esresl il o(nass, o pp rpoocseesds etso, “raw material” or “work in process”) FISH first-in-still-here finite scheduling sceaqpuaceinttyialilmpitrsoduction scheduling while observing all plant fixed reader ad no oRr wF IaDy , i ng at et er r, ot ga abtl oe r, sohre l bf aorr cootdhee r r epaedr emr a nmeonut not er dn ot on - am owbai ll el , structure fixed slot st ht oartaSgKeUo(rapkiack“di negd ilcoactaetdi osnt orreasgeer”v)ed f or a s p eci f i c S K U a nd on l y
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