The Language of Logistics
The Language of Logistics
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GFR global fill rate GINC global identification number for consignment GIS geographic information system GL global logistics GLN Global location number
global location number (GLN) aU nni fuomr mb eCroi ndge Cs oc hu enmc i el t oc raesaat emd e ba ny s Et oA Ni d eInntti ef yr nvai rt ti ou na lal ly lai nmdi t l tehs es ni mu mp obret resr s o, fe xl epgoar lt eerns )t,i tti reasd(i ne .gg . pcaarrt irei es r, sf,u nb catni okns ,a lb ua cyteirvsi t, i es se l l(eer. gs ., ( o p e f u . e g rc l . e h w c a t a s r r i o e n n h g i o , c u f c r s o e e i m , g p h m o t e r f r t o , c r d e w o ( a c B r k 2 d , B i f n a a c g n t , o d in r B y v ) 2 e C n to ) t o s ruyp cpoonr tt rtohl e) raenqdu li or ec ma t ei onnt ss global identification number for consignment ul ongiiqsut ieclsy iudneint st i f yt hi nagt naurme e ar iscsaelmr ebfl ee rde nfcoer t ot raa nl os pg iocratl gurnoduepri n go noef transport document global logistics (GL) lcoognitsitnicesntsbetween countries typically located in different global sourcing optimization (GSO) et ovtaal lu fai tni na ng cai na ld pcehromo as innegn sc ue p(pr el i ve er ns uo en, tehxep be na ss ies, oa fn tdh ec iarpi imt apl )a, crt i sokn, and strategic positioning
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