Pallet Storage and Picking Optimization Lecture Transcript


accordingly and to monitor its utilization Perpetually, you can do a lot with a lift truck. This is at Toyota loading and unloading a trailer, but what's unique about that trailer?

(36:11): It's called a goal wing. It opens like this but it's sideloaded so I get access to the whole truck all at one time. Lindy makes this, which is somewhere between a turret truck and a counterbalance truck. It's a counterbalance truck in the back and it's a turret up in the front to help reduce the aisle space requirement. The other cool thing I can do is the multi load truck and this is at a sun in Japan. How many loads is that truck carrying? Four. How many trips would that have been? Four. So the productivity is literally four times what it would've been. The disadvantage is I need a wider aisle. We put a system like this in with a company here in the states and the option against it was automated guided vehicles, but because we could handle so many pallets at the same time, there was no way to justify that level of expense given that you could work with a truck like this. (37:11): Now for the Iowa width, there are a couple of things we can do. Where was the counterbalance for a counterbalance lift truck behind it. I can also counterbalance in front with what are called outriggers almost a duck and that's called a straddle truck because those outriggers straddle the load. So what is instead of an aisle that's 10 to 14 foot wide. Now I can operate in an aisle that's maybe seven to nine feet. The problem is can I load and unload a truck with this? Probably not because of the height of the mast. I'm going to pick up something on the storage density side, but I'm going to lose something on the labor and the flexibility side. The truck is about the same cost. These things are in the 20 to $30,000 range. The other problem with the straight straddle truck is to put the product away. (38:08): I literally have to take the product, the mast of the truck and it has to come flush with the face of the racking. If I use a reach mechanism, that's this little gizmo right there that will reach into the location and do the putaway for me, but that's going to cost me a few extra thousand dollars probably is going to allow me to be a little more productive. You'll notice as I go through these slides, the aisles are getting narrower and the lift height is getting higher and higher. What's happening to the storage density? It's getting better and better. However, how am I paying for that? The cost of the vehicle? Because this side loading truck, this could be 40 or $50,000. It only needs an aisle that is five to six feet wide. (39:00): The problem is it's side loading, so I can only access one side of the aisle at a time, but now I can get five or six levels high and I've only got an aisle that's four to six feet wide storage density, big thumbs up, cost of the vehicle, big thumbs down, and then flexibility. Can I unload a truck

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