RightChain APIs
RightChain™ APIs | Copyright: RightChain Incorporated | All Rights Reserved
1 Authentication RightChain.ai uses Auth0 as an authentication service to manage keys, credentials, and authentication tokens. Using your client id and secret, you can create a short-lived JWT Token through their interface for calling the RightChain APIs. Details on requesting and using the client token can be found within Auth0’s official documentation linked here (Requesting and Using Client Token). Listed below are the necessary parameters for working with RightChain.ai. Parameter Value url https://rightchainai.auth0.com/oauth/token header ‘content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded’
Body/data grant_type client_id client_secret
client_credentials YOUR_CLIENT_ID
YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET https://api.rightchainai
2 List of Endpoints The production server is located at:
and the test server is located at:
Endpoint directory
Manage directories and files within file structure Computes optimal fill rate, lot size, and turns by SKU
inventory/fill_rate inventory/lot_size
Computes optimal lot size by SKU
Optimizes inventory storage mode for eaches, slot location, and lane allocation
warehouse/eaches/slotting Optimizes slot location for eaches storage warehouse/eaches/storage_mode Optimizes warehouse storage mode for eaches warehouse/cases/picking
Optimizes warehouse storage mode and vehicle for cases Optimizes warehouse storage mode and vehicle for pallets
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