RightChain Nodes User Guide

3.1 Page Types RightChain.ai hosts and operates two distinctly different page types. PAGE TYPE 1 (ALL CAPS) hosts and executes Analytics, Optimizations, and Visualizations. There is only one Page Type 1 in a RightChain.ai application. PAGE TYPE 1 is selectable in the upper left hand corner of all RightChain.ai applications. Page Type 2 (Upper and Lower Case) hosts and executes Data Inputs. There may be one or more Page Type 2's in any given application, depending upon the data requirements for the application. Page Type 2's are selectable from the upper left hand side of any page within an application. Example PAGE TYPE 1 and Page Type 2 are depicted below.

An example of RightChain.ai Page Type 1 hosting and executing analytics, optimizations, and visualizations.

An example of RightChain.ai Page Type 2 hosting and executing data inputs.

RightChain Nodes

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