RightChain Pallets

RightChain™ Pallets | Pallet Storage, Picking and Slotting Optimization


LIFT TRUCK CLASSIFICATIONS Tb ah seeIdn do nu stthr ei ai rl Td re us icgknA, isnstoecni ad tei do nu s( IeT, Aa n) dc ltahses ief inevs i rl iof tn tmr ue cnkt ss it nh teoy soepveerraatl ediinf f. eTr he inst ccl aa tsesgi foi cr ai et si o n he qe lupi ps mi nesntta nf odratrhdei izri nnge et hdes .i Hn deur estarryet tehremIiTnAol colgays sainfidcaatsi os insst sobf ul isfti nt reus scekss :in c h o o s i n g t h e r i g ht 1. Class I: Electric Motor Rider Trucks w e m - a T r is e h s h e i o o s u e n s s t i . r n ugc ka sn da rgeeenqeur ai pl pf reedi gwh it t hh aannd el ilne gc t. rTi hc emy oatroer iadneda l afroer ci on md omo ro nu lsye udsueed tion tbhoeti hr l a c k o f 2. Class II: Electric Motor Narrow Aisle Trucks u s- eS opfe sc ti foi rc aa gl ley sdpeasci gen. Te hd efyo rt yoppiecraal ltyi oinn ci nl undaerrreoawc ha itsrluecekns vai nr odnomr de enrt sp, itchkeesres .t r u c k s m a x i m i z e t h e 3. Class III: Electric Motor Hand Trucks or Hand/Rider Trucks in-cTluhdeeseelaercetrhicanpda-lloeptejaractkesdaenldecwtrailckmieosttoarcktreurcsk. s, often used for lower lift heights. Examples 4. Class IV: Internal Combustion Engine Trucks (Solid/Cushion Tires) m-aTkhinegset haerme rsiudietra bfol erkfotrruinckdsoowrituhseinatnerdnoanl csommobout hstsiounrfeancegsin. es w it h sol id or cushion t ires, 5. Class V: Internal Combustion Engine Trucks (Pneumatic Tires)** p n- eSui mmial at irc ttoi rCelsa, sms aI Vk ,i nt hgetsheetmr uscukist ahbal ve ef oi nr toeur tndaol oc ro mu sbeuos nt i or on uegnhgei rn es su rbfua tc easr.e e q u i p p e d w i t h 6. **Class VI: Electric and Internal Combustion Engine Tractors** lo-aTdhsirsactlhaesrstihnacnluldifetsthtreamct.ors with either electric or internal combustion engines used to pull 7. **Class VII: Rough Terrain Forklift Trucks** c o-nDset rsui gcnt ieodnf, ol ur mo ubtedroyoarrudsse, aonnduontehveerno suut dr foaocre sa,ptphlei csaetti rouncsk. s a r e c o m m o n l y u s e d i n Each class of lift truck is designed to meet specific operational requirements, such as the nature ol of atdhse heannvdi rl oe nd m. Tehni st (cilna ds soiof irc,aot ui ot nd osoyrs,t reomu ge hn stue rr er as itnh)a, ta ibsul es iwn ei ds st he ,s l ci fat ni nsgecl eacptatchi teym, aonsdt t h e t y p e o f a o p p p er r a o t p i r o i n a s t . e type of lift truck for their particular needs, optimizing efficiency and safety in their

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