RightChain Transportation
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RightChain™ Transportation Transportation Optimization as a Service™ Powered by RightChain.ai
The World’s Most Powerful Transportation Optimization & Planning Platform and Process 14% and 31% lower transportation costs via 13% to 29% higher load efficiency | 9% to 27% higher network efficiency | 3 to 17 point higher rate efficiency Lower Cost | Higher Transportation Margins | Higher On Times | Greater Capability Strategic and Tactical | AI-based Transportation Optimization, Planning and Analytics At Scale and Speed Optimization | Education | Facilitation
OPTIMIZATION: RightChain.ai RightChain™ Transportation is a global CloudAI SaaS platform hosting some of the world’s most advanced transportation optimizations, analytics, and education. FACILITATION: RightChain™ Methodology RightChain™ Transportation is also a transformational and continuous optimization process facilitated by RightChain’s developers, three of the world’s leading subject matter experts. EDUCATION: RightChain™ Institute RightChain™ Transportation is also an education and training program teaching fundamentals, best practices, metrics, and advanced systems and analytics for transportation networks, mode mix, load planning, routing, scheduling, fleets, yards, and docks. Subscriptions include on-demand access to RightChain.ai, RightChain Institute, and WorldClassTransportation.com as well as the related education sessions, workshops, and office hours.
Contents What is RightChain™ Transportation? RightChain™ Transportation aka Transportation Optimization as a Service™ yields 14 % to 31% lower transportation costs via 9% to 27% increases in network efficiency, 13% to 29% increases in load efficiency, and 3 to 17 points higher rate efficiency.
RightChain™ Introduction RightChain™ Transportation Overview RightChain™ Transportation Applications RightChain™ Transportation Program
Supply Chain Optimization as a Service™ RightChain™ Client Customers RightChain™ Heritage RightChain.ai RightChain™ Solutions Team
Contents RightChain™ Introduction
OPTIMIZATION RightChain.ai Platform
Contents Optimization Education Facilitation
FACILITATION RightChain.123 Process
EDUCATION RightChain.edu Principles
RightChain™ provides client-customers with a unique and integrated bundle of supply chain optimization and planning capability…. advanced OPTIMIZATION capability via the RightChain.ai Platform, world-class education via the RightChain™ Institute, and proven optimization and planning FACILITATION via the RightChain™ Methodology and elite professional services.
Supply Chain Optimization as a Service™ RightChain™ employs its 30-year proven methodology, elite SaaS decision technology, and unparalleled professional services to optimize supply chain design, planning and operations for inventory, transportation, and warehousing.
30+ Years of Successful RightChain™ Implementations Optimization
AI-Based Optimization Algorithms
API Connectivity to Major WMS/TMS/ERP Optimizations, Simulations Visualizations, and Predictions
Systems and Solutions for Inventory, Transportation, Transportation, and Supply Chains
Lower Supply Chain Costs Less Supply Chain Inventory Higher Supply Chain Capital Utilization Improved Supply Chain Service
Cloud-AI Global SaaS Platform
Supply Chain Partnerships for Strategic, Tactical, and Operational Decision Making Award-Winning Business Recently Featured on PBS Information Matrix with Laurence Fishburne and FOX Business
Taught, Read, and Implemented in 8 Industries, 7 Languages, and 12 Countries
Masters and PhDs from Leading Universities with Elite Supply Chain Experience at Blue Chip Corporations
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RightChain.ai Platform Overview The brainchild of Dr. Ed Frazelle, RightChain’s founder and CEO, RightChain.ai is a CloudAI supply chain optimization and planning platform and process guiding the strategic and tactical supply chain decisions at the likes of Caterpillar, Coca-Cola, Colgate, Disney, Home Depot, KraftHeinz, Home Depot, Honda, et.al.
Advanced Technology
30+ years of advanced algorithm development in strategic and tactical inventory, transportation, warehousing, and supply chain optimization. 30+ years of domestic and international blue chip implementation experience in strategic and tactical inventory, transportation, warehousing, and supply chain optimization. 30+ years of methodological, process, and curriculum development in strategic and tactical inventory, transportation, warehousing, and supply chain optimization.
$49 Billion Inventory. Optimized. RightChain™ Inventory Inventory Optimization as a Service You can edit this text RightChain™ Transportation Transportation Optimization as a Service $9 Billion Transportation. Optimized. RightChain™ Warehousing Warehouse Optimization as a Service 250+ DCs, 50+ million sq. ft. Optimized.
RightChain.ai Large scale, high-speed, strategic and tactical inventory, transportation, warehouse, and supply chain optimization SaaS platform.
Blue Chip Experience
Proven Methodology
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RightChain™ Client Customers RightChain™ serves blue chip client customers in several major industries including aerospace, automotive, consumer products, food and beverage, healthcare, heavy industry, high tech, logistics, and telecommunications.
RightChain™ Industrials RightChain™ Tech & Health
Retail, Apparel and E-Commerce RightChain™ Retail
Transportation, Logistics, Wholesale Distribution RightChain™ Logistics
Fast Moving Consumer Goods RightChain™ CPG
High Technology and Healthcare
Aerospace, Automotive, and Heavy Industry
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RightChain™ Heritage RightChain’s heritage dates to Dr. Frazelle’s founding of The Logistics Institute and Supply ChainManagement Series at Georgia Tech in the early 1990s. RightChain continues to develop on parallel paths of client customer implementations and advanced supply chain research.
algorithms and metrics for supply chain optimization, Japan’s leadership role in logistics technology and processes Facilities Planning John Wiley
Launched joint supply chain education and consulting with TM Insight
Supply Chain Strategy McGraw-Hill Dr. Ed Frazelle helps establish The Logistics Institute Asia-Pacific at the National University of Singapore
Supply Chain Artificial Intelligence McGraw-Hill
Dr. Ed Frazelle Establishes The Logistics Institute at Georgia Tech
Supply Chain Research and Launched joint supply chain education and consulting with Mitsubishi Education Collaboration with Waseda University
Dr. Ed Frazelle’s Research Funded by the National Science Foundation to address
World Class Warehousing McGraw-Hill
Launched one of the world’s first remote supply chain optimization programs
World Class Warehousing McGraw-Hill Launched one of the world’s first integrated supply chain optimization and education platform
Inventory Strategy McGraw-Hill Launched joint supply chain education and consulting with GS1
Supply Chain Strategy McGraw-Hill Education Collaboration with Meiji University Supply Chain Research and
Launched one of the world’s first computer based logistics education programs
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Section 1 PriceSmart vs Domestic Warehouse Club Supply Chain Configurations RightChain.ai RightChain.ai is a CloudAI platform hosting RightChain’s proprietary algorithms solving the most co plex problems in inventory, transportation, warehousing, and supply chain planning. Access to the optimizations is provided via data uploads and/or API connectivity. RightChain.ai customers subscribe to one or more o timization and planning suites. RightChain™ Inventory RightChain™ Transportation RightChain™ Warehousing
Dr. Ed Frazelle is one of the world's foremost authorities on supply chain optimization, technology, strategy and operations. He is former founder of The Logistics Institute and Supply Chain Management Series at Georgia Tech and author of McGraw-Hill's Logistics Management Library. Dr. Travis Smith is a PhD in aerospace engineering from Georgia Tech. His specialty is the development and application of artificial intelligence and advanced algorithms to complex supply chain problems in design and operations.
Section 1 PriceSmart vs Domestic Warehouse Club Supply Chain Configurations RightChain™ Core Te m An award-winning s pply chain scientist, author and teacher A literal rocket scientist, PhD in aerospace engineering An award-winning decision scientist from Duke University
Dr. Ed Frazelle President and CEO
Dr. Travis Smith Chief Technology Officer
Dr. Andrew Frazelle is a PhD in decision sciences and game theory from Duke University. He is an award-winning operations researcher and specializes in supply chain operations research and analytics.
Dr. Andrew Frazelle Chief Solutions Officer
RightChain™ Professional Services Team The RightChain™ team is a family of global supply chain leaders, each experienced and credentialed with large scale supply chain transformation successes – financial, technological, and organizational – in major corporations around the world.
Mr. Mark Braddock is RightChain’s Chief Commercial Officer. He is formerly with SAP and is a computer scientist from Radford University.
Founder of The Logistics Institute at Georgia Tech, Dr. Ed Frazelle is one of the world’s foremost authorities on supply chain strategy, operations, and technology.
Mr. Steve Erbe is formerly head of supply chain analytics for the Disney Corporation where he led the supply chain optimization for retail, food & beverage, and service.
Dr. Travis Smith holds his PhD in aerospace engineering from Georgia Tech. His specialty is artificial intelligence design for supply chain systems.
Professor Masaji Nakano leads RightChain Japan where he is one of the country’s leading authorities on supply chain and logistics systems and operations.
An award-winning scientist, Dr. Andrew Frazelle holds his PhD in decision sciences from Duke University. His specialty is supply chain optimization algorithm design.
Dr. Marcus Walker is RightChain’s Director of Data Science. He is a PhD in bioengineering from Georgia Tech. His specialty is supply chain database design.
Mr. Steve Westphal is former CFO, CSCO, and CTO for Coca-Cola Consolidated where he led the successful transformation of Coke’s supply chain operations.
Professor Jim Roach is former head of Honda North America where he successfully led all sales, service, supply chain, and logistics operations.
Dr. Matt Anderson is former head of logistics efficiency and effectiveness for the United States Armed Forces.
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Contents RightChain™ Transporta ion Overview
Transportation Optimization as a Service™ RightChain™ Transportation Applications RightChain™ Transportation Methodology RightChain™ Transportation Benefits RightChain™ Transportation Implementations RightChain™ Transportation User Profiles
Transportation Digital Twin
Transportation Optimization System
RightChain™ Transportation
Transportation Optimization as a Service™
RightChain™ Transportation aka Transportation Optimization as a Service™ is a subscription transportation optimization platform and process including access to a suite of cloud-hosed transportation optimization solutions, transportation intelligence solutions, and transportation education solutions.
Transportation Intelligence System
Transportation Education System
TRANSPORTATION OPTIMIZATION APPLICATIONS Transportation Optimization System & Digital Twin
TRANSPORTATION INTELLIGENCE APPLICATIONS Transportation Intelligence System & Control Tower
TRANSPORTATION EDUCATION APPLICATIONS Principles, Practices, and Platform Education, Training, and Help
RightChain™ School of Transportation & Logistics RightChain™ Transportation Workshops
RightChain™ Lanes Lane & Flow Optimization RightChain™ Nodes Network Optimization RightChain™ Modes Mode Mix Optimization RightChain™ Loads Load Plan Optimization RightChain™ Stops Delivery Optimization RightChain™ Fleets Fleet Size & Mix Optimization
RightChain™ Transportation Insights RightChain™ Transportation Scoreboard RightChain™ Transportation Forecasts RightChain™ Transportation Practices RightChain™ Transportation Staffing RightChain™ Transportation APIs
Geographic and chronological lane consolidation optimization. Flow path optimization. Supply chain and logistics network optimization of the number, size, and location of supply chain facilities. Strategic and tactical mode mix optimization considering, air, ocean, rail, and truck. Strategic and tactical load planning maximizing vehicle and container utilization. Optimizing the number and timing of deliveries to customers considering transportation and inventory costs and service implications. Strategic and tactical optimizing of the number and mix of vehicles and containers.
Lane Rankings & Patterns Trip Rankings & Patterns Carrier Rankings & Patterns
Dr. Frazelle’s live and on-demand teaching on World Class Transportation & Logistics .
Activity Based Costing, Resource Based Costing, Accuracies, Productivity, OnTimes, Utilizations Forecasted order, trip, pallet, case, each, weight, cube, and financial activity. Transportation best practices assessment for lanes, flows, network, mode mix, load planning, & carrier management. Transportation Workforce Optimization, Forecasted Staff Requirements, Optimized Mix of Full-Time, Part-Time and Over Time APIs for connection to all RightChain™ Transportation applications.
The RightChain™ team leads workshops dedicated to specific user deliverables and projects.
Drs. Frazelle and Smith will hold weekly “office hours” for discussion and problem solving.
RightChain™ Office Hours
RightChain™ Transportation Knowledgebase RightChain™ Transportation Community Forum RightChain™ Transportation Help/Q&As
The world’s most comprehensive transportation knowledgebase.
Interact with many of the world’s most capable transportation professionals. Post project specific issues.
Comprehensive topical and technical help site.
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Section 1 PriceSmart vs Domestic Warehouse Club Supply Chain Configurations RightChain™ Transportation Methodology
RightChain™ Shipping Shipping Optimization
RightChain™ Fleets Fleet Size Optimization
RightChain™ Loads Load Optimization
RightChain™ Nodes Network Optimization
Asset and Resource Utilization and Productivity RightChain™ Lanes Lane Optimization
Transportation Margin, Network Efficiency
Network efficiency increases 9% to 27%.
Section 1 PriceSmart vs Domestic Warehouse Club Supply Chain Configurations RightChain™ Transportation B nefits Over the course of 30 years of optimizing transportation and logistics systems, RightChain™ Transportation typically yields between 14% and 31% lower transportation costs, 13% to 29% higher load efficiency, 9% to 27% higher network efficiency, with the same or improved on-time performance.
Load efficiency increases 13% to 29% points.
Logistics cost decreases 14% to 31%.
Transportation Margin, Network Efficiency Asset and Resource Utilization and Productivity
RightChain™ Transportation Transformational and Continuous Transportation Optimization
RightChain™ Fleets Fleet Size Optimization
RightChain™ Stops Delivery Frequency Optimization
RightChain™ Loads Load Plan Optimization
RightChain™ Modes Mode Mix Optimization
RightChain™ Nodes Supply Chain Network Optimization
RightChain™ Lanes Lane Optimization
RightChain™ Transportation Practices Transportation Practices Assessment
RightChain™ Transportation Scoreboard Financial, Service, and Accuracy Metrics
RightChain™ Transportation Insights Transportation Patterns & Trends
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RightChain™ Transportation Implementations
RightChain™ Lanes
RightChain™ Nodes
RightChain™ Modes
RightChain™ Loads
RightChain™ Fleets
Case and Result
Global and domestic multi-channel logistics optimization. 14.2% lower costs. $54M Global & reg’l multi-channel logistics optimization. 9.6% lower costs. $61M Regional parts logistics optimization. 17.4% lower supply chain costs. $22M Large scale rail car fleet optimization. 7.1% increase in fleet utilization. $73M Large truck fleet and network optimization. 19.3% logistics cost reduction. $62M Mexico/USA logistics optimization. 15.8% logistics cost reduction. $104M Large truck fleet and logistics optimization. 22.6% logistics cost reduction. $68M Large network and logistics flow optimization. 14.1% lower costs. $41M Global, reg’l & local multi-channel logistics optimization. 16.2% lower costs. $101M Global and country logistics optimization. 23.4% lower costs. $204M
Apparel, Footwear, Retail
Apparel, CPG, Food, Retail
Telecom Spares
Heavy Industry Service Parts
Food & Beverage
Apparel, F&B, Parts
Heavy Industry
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RightChain™ Transportation Implementations
RightChain™ Lanes
RightChain™ Nodes
RightChain™ Modes
RightChain™ Loads
RightChain™ Fleets
Case and Result
Large-scale fleet and logistics operations optimization. 13.8% lower costs. $78M Global and domestic logistics optimization. 17.8% lower logistics costs. $21M Nationwide lane, load, and fleet optimization. 8.9% lower costs. $56M Global logistics load, node, and mode optimization. 19.6% lower costs. $18M Domestic inbound and outbound logistics optimization. 28.6% lower costs. $41M Global, regional, and domestic logistics optimization. 13.1% lower costs. $149M Nationwide, multi-channel fleet, load, & node optimization. 14.8% lower costs. $36M Nationwide fleet and logistics optimization. 12.7% lower logistics cost. $64M Global network optimization. 16.7% lower logistics costs. $28M+
LAM Research
Kraft Heinz
Health & Beauty Aids
Pratt & Whitney Schwan’s Food Serta Simmons
Food & Beverage
Heavy Industry
Global logistics and air cargo fleet optimization. $300M
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RightChain.ai is employed to answer the following transportation optimization questions. What distribution locations, sizes, flows, and roles maximize supply chain financial and service performance for each product, category, channel, and business unit? Which lanes are value and non-value added? What configuration of lanes is optimal via consolidation via geography and/or schedule? 1 2 What load frequency and schedule minimizes total supply chain cost and meets all volume and service requirements? What mix of transportation modes (air, ocean, rail, truck, etc.) for each lane, order, and product minimizes total supply chain cost and meets all volume and service requirements? How many vehicles, containers, and drivers minimize the cost of network delivery requirements? What is the optimal mix of owned and leased resources and assets? What shipping schedule minimizes transportation costs and meets all daily delivery requirements and seasonal constraints? 3 4 5 6
Planning & Strategy Use Case Scenarios Logistics network strategy, optimization design, capacity planning, 3PL analysis
Operations & Execution Use Case Scenarios
Operations & Execution Users
Planning & Strategy Users
Operations &
& Strategy
RightChain™ Nodes
C/VP of Operations, Supply Chain, Logistics, Distribution Internal and , external consultants, analysts and planners for supply chain, logistics, transportation, distribution. and fleet management
RightChain™ Lanes
Directors, managers, and operators of logistics, transportation, distribution, shipping, traffic, and fleets
High level transport and logistics cost reduction, Flow path optimization, Transport
Operational transportation cost reduction, Continuous
transportation improvement
RightChain™ Loads
procurement, Carrier bidding
Fleet configuration, Fleet own vs lease, DCC negotiations
RightChain™ Fleets
Transportation operations management and scheduling
RightChain™ Transportation User Profile RightChain™ Shipping
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Transportation Optimization as a Service™ RightChain™ Lanes| Logistics Lane Optimization RightChain™ Nodes | Logistics Network Optimization RightChain™ Modes | Mode Mix Optimization RightChain™ Loads | Logistics Load Optimization RightChain™ Fleets | Fleet Optimization RightChain™ Shipping | Shipping Optimization RightChain™ Metrics | Transportation Metrics RightChain™ Insights | Transportation Analytics RightChain™ Practices | Transportation Practices RightChain™ School of Transportation & Logistics RightChain™ Transportation Knowledgebase
Contents RightChain™ Transporta ion Applications
Section 1 PriceSmart vs Domestic Warehouse Club Supply Chain Configurations RightChain™ Transportation Transportation Optimization as a Service™
Optimization, analytics, and education for logistics networks, lanes, flows, modes, loads, and fleets.
Section 1 PriceSmart vs Domestic Warehouse Club Supply Chain Configurations RightChain™ Lanes Lane O timization
Global, Regional, Continental, and Local Lane Consolidation and Flow Optimization
Section 1 PriceSmart vs Domestic Warehouse Club Supply Chain Configurations RightChain™ Nodes Supply Chain Network Optimization
RightChain™ Nodes RightChain™ Nodes provides global, regional, continental, and local supply chain network optimization and scenario simulation.
Section 1 PriceSmart vs Domestic Warehouse Club Supply Chain Configurations RightChain™ Modes Transport Mode Optimization
Assigns each shipment, SKU and lane to its optimal transport mode (air, ocean, rail, truck, parcel) and container size (FCL, LCL, FTL, LTL).
Section 1 PriceSmart vs Domestic Warehouse Club Supply Chain Configurations RightChain™ Fleets Fleet Siz O timization
Computes optimal daily, weekly, monthly, and annual vehicle, driver, and container requirements for truck, rail, air, and ocean.
Section 1 PriceSmart vs Domestic Warehouse Club Supply Chain Configurations RightChain™ Shipping Shipping O timization
RightChain™ Shipping RightChain™ Shipping minimizes daily transportation cost by optimally constructing loads from sales order pools.
Section 1 PriceSmart vs Domestic Warehouse Club Supply Chain Configurations RightChain™ Insights Transportation Insights and Analytics
Activity Based Costing
Resource Based Costing
Section 1 PriceSmart vs Domestic Warehouse Club Supply Chain Configurations RightChain™ Metrics Transportation Performance Measures
Workforce Productivity
Resource Productivity
Activity Cycle Times
Resource Utilization
Shipment Accuracy
Performance Trending
Section 1 PriceSmart vs Domestic Warehouse Club Supply Chain Configurations RightChain™ Practices Transportation Best Practices Assessment
Lane Design
Load Design
Fleet Design
Carrier Mgmt
Section 1 PriceSmart vs Domestic Warehouse Club Supply Chain Configurations RightChain™ School of Transportation and Logistics
RightChain™ Transportation Insights Transportation Pattern Recognition
RightChain™ Transportation Scoreboard Transportation Performance Metrics
RightChain™ Lanes Lane & Flow Path Optimization
RightChain™ Nodes Supply Chain Network Optimization
RightChain™ Modes Mode Mix Optimization
RightChain™ Loads Load Plan Optimization
Contents RightChain™ Transportation Program
What’s Included Solution Summary
RightChain™ Transportation Process Staffing, Resources, Fees, and Expenses Data Request
Multi-user access to RightChain™ Transportation Optimization as a Service Cloud-AI Platform 1. RightChain™ Lanes | Lane Optimization 2. RightChain™ Nodes | Network Optimization 3. RightChain™ Modes | Mode Optimization 4. RightChain™ Loads | Load Optimization 5. RightChain™ Stops | Delivery Frequency Optimization 6. RightChain™ Fleets | Fleet Optimization 7. RightChain™ Transportation Insights | Transport Patterns 8. RightChain™ Transportation Forecasting | Transportation Forecasting 9. RightChain™ Transportation Metrics | Transport Performance 10. RightChain™ Transportation Practices | Transport Best Practices 11. RightChain™ Transportation Benchmarks 12. RightChain™ School of Transportation and Logistics Assessment of Current Performance, Practices, and Patterns Transportation Optimization Design for a Major Supply Chain Partition Upfront RCT Configuration and Implementation Upfront RCT Configuration, Implementation, and Onboarding RightChain™ Transportation APIs Weekly Education and Training Session, Workshop, and Office Hours 13. RightChain™ Transportation Workshops 14. RightChain™ Transportation Community 15. RightChain™ Transportation Knowledgebase
Section 1 PriceSmart vs Domestic Warehouse Club Supply Chain Configurations RightChain™ Transportation What’s Included?
RightChain™ Transportation Process, Service and Deliverables
Phase II
Phase III
Phase IV
Phase V
Phase VI
February, 2023 ASSESSMENT
June, 2023
January, 2023
March, 2023
April, 2023
May, 2023
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Transportation Warehousing
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RCI Database RCI Insights
> RCI Scoreboard
> RightChain™ SKUs
> RightChain™ Lots
> RightChain™ Deployment > RIghtChain™ Inventory Playbook & Roadmap
RightChain™ Inventory
RCI Practices
RightChain™ Forecasting
RightChain™ Sourcing RightChain™ Turns
RightChain™ Planning
RightChain™ Inventory Digital Twin RightChain™ Inventory APIs
RCI Benchmarking
> RightChain™ Docks/Yards > RightChain™ Transportation Playbook & Roadmap
> RightChain™ Lanes
> RightChain™ Nodes
RCT Database RCT Insights RCT Forecasting RCW Database RCW Insights RCW Forecasting
> RCT Scoreboard
RightChain™ Transportation
RightChain™ Transportation Digital Twin RightChain™ Transportation APIs
RCT Practices
RightChain™ Flows
RightChain™ Loads RightChain™ Modes
RightChain™ Routing/Fleets TMS Biz Case, Reqts, & RFP
RCT Benchmarking
> RightChain™ Layouts
> RightChain™ Warehousing Playbook & Roadmap
> RightChain™ Picking
> RCW Scoreboard
> RightChain™ Pallets
RightChain.ai Installs
RightChain™ Institutes RightChain™ Warehousing
RCW Practices
RightChain™ Cases RightChain™ Eaches
RightChain™ Slotting
RightChain™ Staffing
RightChain™ Warehousing Digital Twin
RCW Benchmarking
MHE/WMS Case, Reqts, & RFP RightChain™ Warehousing APIs
Inventory Control Tower
Inventory Scoreboard
SKU valuations & classes. AI-based forecasting. Logistics lanes & flows. Optimal pallet, case, and
Optimal inventory design. Integrated supply chain operating system and inventory plan. Optimized network & load design. Slotting optimization design. Tri-optimized lot sizes for production, transportation,
Warehouse Capacity Design Fleet Capacity Design Dock Capacity Design Yard Capacity Design Supply Chain Capacity MHE/WMS/TMS Biz Case MHE/WMS/TMS RFP
Supply chain organization design and development. Supply chain operations staffing optimization.
Transportation Control Tower Transportation Scoreboard
Warehouse Control Tower Supply Chain Control Tower Common Activity Lens Supply Chain Database RightChain.ai Onboarding
Warehousing Scoreboard Supply Chain Scoreboard Supply Chain Practices Gaps Performance Baselines
each pick designs.
Supply chain planning program.
MHE/WMS/TMS Requirements Supply chain methdology.
Supply chain process design. Supply Chain Playbook Supply Chain Digital Twin Supply Chain Optimization APIs
MHE/WMS/TMS Recommendations
Requirements, Business Cases, RFPs, and Supplier Selection/Negotation for Warehouse Management System, Transportation Management System, and Material Handling Automation RightChain™ API CONNECTIVITY. Optimization APIs for inventory, transportation, and warehousing.
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Solution Summary 1. Transportation optimization database design and development. 2. Current transportation practices and performance assessment. 3. Deep origin, destination, lane, shipment, carrier, and load analytics, statistics, patterns, anomalies, predictions, and visualizations. 4. Lane level optimization recommendations for elimination, consolidation, modal, and/or frequency transformation 5. Optimization recommendations for the number, location, role, and size of all supply chain related facilities. 6. Optimization recommendations for logistics flows between all origin-destination pairs. 7. Optimization recommendations for lane, shipment, and SKU mode mix vis a vis truck, rail, ocean, air, etc. 8. Optimization recommendations for fleet size and configuration. 9. Optimization recommendations for daily and weekly shipping maximizing the use of least expensive modes and routes.
10. Management and execution system recommendations and requirements for TMS. 11. Annual benchmarking of supply chain performance and practices. 12. Summary business case and implementation plan for TMS and/or RightChain™ Transportation optimization recommendations for low, medium, and high levels of investment, automation, and reconfiguration requirements. 13. TMS evaluation (business case, system requirements development, RFP development, recommended supplier and solution candidates, evaluation of supplier and solutions proposals, and negotiating/contracting support) and implementation support. 14. Transportation operating and optimization template – static and dynamic. 15. APIs for RightChain.ai/transportation for continuous transportation optimization and analytics for items #1 through #9 above. 16. 12-month subscription to RightChain™ Transportation for up to 5 users. 17. Weekly training on RightChain Transportation for up to 5 users.
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Staffing, Resources, Fees, Expenses, and Assumptions Staffing The implementation/engagement will be directed by Dr. Ed Frazelle, RightChain’s founder and president. He will be assisted by Dr. Andrew Frazelle, RightChain’s Chief Solutions Officer; and by Dr. Travis Smith, RightChain’s Chief Technology Officer. Resumes are attached. Resources Client customer will be asked to assign a sponsoring executive, a project director, and a project analyst to the RightChain™ Inventory initiative. In addition, a project steering committee and executive guidance team are requested. Fees and Expenses Fees and expenses include all professional services, subscriptions, deliverables, travel, telecommunications, and related working sessions. The proposed fees and expenses for RightChain™ Transportation, discounted as a former client will be $x per month. Assumptions 1. The success of RightChain™ Transportation depends to a large degree on the accuracy and completeness of required data. The proposed timeline assumes that a reliable, working inventory optimization data set can be developed within the first 3 weeks of the engagement. The data set will be enhanced continuously during the course of the engagement/implementation. 2. The success and timeline of RightChain™ Transportation also depends to a large degree on the availability and participation of the project and guidance teams. The timeline assumes reasonable and active participation from related teams and individuals. Executive Advisory Team (2x, 90 minutes), Project Advisory Team (4x, 90 minutes), Project Design Team (6x, 90 minutes), Project Director (12x, 30 minutes, 25% time), Project Analyst (12x, 30 minutes, 50% time).
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RightChain™ Transportation Data Request per transaction • Date • Shipment ID • Carrier • Mode • Container Type • Product Category • Flow Path • Ship To ID • Ship To Name • Destination City • Destination Country • Shipment Value • Shipment Weight
• Shipment Cube • Shipment Units
• PO Number • Ship From ID • Ship From Name • Origin City • Origin Country
• Freight Paid • INCOTERM • Direction
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Section 1 PriceSmart vs Domestic Warehouse Club Supply Chain Configurations RightChain™ Transportation For more information... RightChain.com
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