RightChain Turns | Inventory Turn and Fill Rate Optimization
Inventory Policy Cost Computation
Total Policy Cost TPC = f(ufr) +
Lost Sales Cost LSC = f(ufr)
Inventory Carrying Cost ICC = f(ufr)
Annual Demand AD % Demand Unsatisfied (1-ufr) Unit Selling Price USP Shortage Factor SF
Average Inventory Value AIV
Inventory Carrying Rate ICR
x x x
Average Inventory Level AIL
Unit Inventory Value UIV
Half the Replenishment Quantity EOQ/2
Safety Stock SS
SS = f(e, ufr, L)
Annual Demand AD
Inventory Carrying Rate 1/ICR
Forecast Error e
Purchase Order Cost POC
Unit Inventory Value 1/UIV
Unit Fill Rate ufr
Leadtime L
EOQ = [(2*AD*POC)/(ICR*UIV)] 1/2
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