RightChain.ai Plotting


2. How to Customize Plots Plots shown on any tab of the application can be customized using the “Plot Controls” section in the Sidebar Interactions Area. The image below shows that by clicking on the “Plot Controls” label on the sidebar (circled in red) all plot customization options appear.

No matter the application module, plot controls are available at the bottom of the sidebar, with options appearing upon clicking on the words “Plot Controls”.

3. Plot Controls Available plot controls vary based on the selected plot type, and may change when switching between tabs. The most common plot controls can be broken into a few categories (in the next sections). 3.1 X-Axis, Y-Axis, Dimension The X and Y Axis controls are used to select which columns in the data set should display on each axis, and the Dimensions are the columns in the data to aggregate by (such as Product Type or Category Segment Name). Dimensions allow for grouping and displaying aggregate information in large data set for the dimension or dimensions chosen. Multiple dimensions can be selected for a single plot, and a dimension selected can be set as the X or Y axis of the plot if desired.

RightChain™ Plots

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