RightChain.ai Visualizations

Animated publication


• Bar Charts • Histograms

RightChain.ai Visualizations


PREDICTIVE VISUALIZATIONS • Outliers • Predictions RELATIONSHIP VISUALIZATIONS • Network Charts • Correlations

RightChaina.i provides users with the capability to create a wide variety of visualizations to illustrate optimization designs, solution scenarios, and analytical/statistical insights. Visualization types include Pareto charts, Bar Charts, Histograms, XY/scatter charts, Partitions, Outliers, Predictions, Network Charts, Correlation Charts, and Maps.


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RightChain™ Incorporated

(a) PARETOS are one of many types of visualizations available to users in RightChain.ai. Pareto charts display the cumulative contribution of increasing numbers of observations to the total, with observations ranked from highest to lowest value. In this example, LAT-LON coordinates are ranked from high to low based upon the cubic volume shipped to each coordinate.



(b) “Tab Name” allows the user to name the visualization. The tab name appears in the section of visualization names.


(c) “Tab Description” allows users to create descriptive tool tips which appear upon hovering on tab names.

(d) “X Axis Variable” allows users to select the dimension of the Pareto chart. Some typical Paretos in RightChain.ai include LAT-LON coordinates, postal codes, cities, states, countries, and lanes.


(e) “Y Axis Variable” allows users to select the key metric for display in the Pareto Chart. Some typical Paretos in RightChain.ai include metrics like cube, weight, order lines, and $s.


(f) “Statistics” allow users to display a variety of statistics related to the solution and/or input data including min, 1 st quartile, median, mean, 3 rd quartile, max, counts, correlations, standard deviations, and kurtosis.



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(g) “Pareto Settings” allows users to customize the Pareto chart display including the sort direction, ABCD cutoffs, and label fields.

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(a) Bar Charts are one type of many types of visualizations available to users in RightChain.ai. Bar charts display the contribution of observations to the total, with observations ranked at the users discretion. In this example, LAT-LON coordinates are displayed with cubic volume shipped to each coordinate represented in the height of the bar.


(b) “Tab Name” allows the user to name the visualization. The tab name appears in the section of visualization names.


(c) “Tab Description” allows users to create descriptive tool tips which appear upon hovering on tab names.


(d) “X Axis Variable” allows users to select the dimension of the Bar Chart. Some typical Bar Charts in RightChain™ Nodes include LAT-LON coordinates, postal codes, cities, states, countries, and lanes.


(e) “Y Axis Variable” allows users to select the key metric for display in the Bar Chart. Some typical Bar Charts in RightChain™ Nodes include metrics like cube, weight, order lines, and $s.


(f) “Statistics” allow users to display a variety of statistics related to the solution and/or input data including min, 1 st quartile, median, mean, 3 rd quartile, max, counts, correlations, standard deviations, and kurtosis.



(g) “Plot Appearance” allows users to customize the Bar Chart chart display including the Bar Mode (single or otherwise), observation sort direction (if any), bar color basis, and bar color palette.

Optimization Page Navigation | Plot Controls Panel | Bar Charts

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(a) HISTOGRAMS are one type of many types of visualizations available to users in RightChain.ai. Histograms display the portion of observations within a given range of values. In this example, the portion of LAT-LON coordinates within ranges of buckets of cubic volume shipped to each coordinate are represented in the height of the bar.



(b) “Tab Name” allows the user to name the visualization. The tab name appears in the section of visualization names.

(c) “Tab Description” allows users to create descriptive tool tips which appear upon hovering on tab names.


(d) “Dimension” allows users to select the dimension of the Histogram. Some typical Histograms in RightChain.ai include LAT-LON coordinates, postal codes, cities, states, countries, and lanes.


(e) “X Axis Variable” allows users to select the key metric for display in the Histogram. Some typical Histograms in RightChain.ai include metrics like cube, weight, order lines, and $s.



(f) “Statistics” allow users to display a variety of statistics related to the solution and/or input data including min, 1 st quartile, median, mean, 3 rd quartile, max, counts, correlations, standard deviations, and kurtosis.

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(a) “Dimension’ allows the user to select the main object of the XY scatter plat. In this case, the user has selected the LAT/LON pairs for analysis and insight.

(b) CLUSTERING. The grid depicted button allows users to define clusters of data points. In this example, clusters are based on high, medium, and low cube and weight. Clusters are differentiated in this example by their shape, however they could have differentiated by their color and/or size as well. (c) STATISTICAL ANALYSIS. The abicus depicted button allows users to define statistics for analysis and inclusion in the stats line. Users may choose from a variety of statistics including min, 1 st quartile, median, mean, 3 rd quartile, max, standard deviation, correlation, and kurtosis.

(d) DISPLAY SPEED. The clock depicted button allows users to select the speed of graphical rendering. Some visualization and statistical detail and quality may be sacrificed at higher rendering speeds.






(e) “X Axis Variable”. Allows the user to select via dropdown menu the variable for display along the X axis.


(f) “Y Axis Variable”. Allows users to select via dropdown menu the variable to display along the Y axis.


(g) “Data Display”. Allows users to select via dropdown menu rather to display markers or lines.



Optimization Page Navigation | Plot Controls Panel | XY Plots

(h) “A” allows users to edit labels in the visualization.

(i) “ ● ” allows users to edit markers in the visualization including various colors, shapes, and sizes related to aspects of the optimization solution and/or insights.

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(a) PARTITIONS are another means of displaying key and related data points in RightChain.ai. In this case, the user has selected three DCs for analysis and insight.

(b) “X Axis Variable”. Allows the user to select via dropdown menu the variable for display along the X axis.


(c) “Y Axis Variable”. Allows users to select via dropdown menu the variable to display along the Y axis.


(d) DISPLAY SPEED. The clock depicted button allows users to select the speed of graphical rendering. Some visualization and statistical detail and quality may be sacrificed at higher rendering speeds.



(e) STATISTICAL ANALYSIS. The abicus depicted button allows users to define statistics for analysis and inclusion in the stats line. Users may choose from a variety of statistics including min, 1 st quartile, median, mean, 3 rd quartile, max, standard deviation, correlation, and kurtosis.




(f) “A” allows users to edit labels in the visualization.

(g) “ ● ” allows users to edit markers in the visualization including various colors, shapes, and sizes related to aspects of the optimization solution and/or insights.

Optimization Page Navigation | Plot Controls Panel | Partitions

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(a) “Outliers” are one of many types of visualizations available to users in RightChain.ai. Outliers display the distribution of data point relative to range of “normalcy”.



(b) “Tab Name” allows the user to name the visualization. The tab name appears in the section of visualization names.

(c) “Tab Description” allows users to create descriptive tool tips which appear upon hovering on tab names.


(d) “Dimension” allows users to select the dimension of the Outliers Chart. Some typical Outlier Charts in RightChain™ Nodes include LAT-LON coordinates, postal codes, cities, states, countries, and lanes.


(e) “Y Axis Variable” allows users to select the key metric for display in the Outliers Chart. Some typical Outlier Charts in RightChain™ Nodes include metrics like cube, weight, order lines, and $s.


(f) “Statistics” allow users to display a variety of statistics related to the solution and/or input data including min, 1 st quartile, median, mean, 3 rd quartile, max, counts, correlations, standard deviations, and kurtosis.



(g) “A” allows users to edit labels in the visualization.

Optimization Page Navigation | Plot Controls Panel | Outliers

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(a) “PREDICTIONS” allow users to create traditional and AI-based activity forecasts for any data for which date data is provided.


(b) “Tab Name” allows the user to name the visualization. The tab name appears in the section of visualization names.


(c) “Tab Description” allows users to create descriptive tool tips which appear upon hovering on tab names.


(d) “X Axis Variable”. Allows the user to select via dropdown menu the date type for the X axis.


(e) “Y Axis Variable” allows users to select the key metric for display in the Outliers Chart. Some typical Outlier Charts in RightChain™ Nodes include metrics like cube, weight, order lines, and $s.



(f) “Forecast Horizon” allows users to specify the length of the forecasting horizon.


(g) “Time Period” allows users to specify the length of the forecasting window.


(h) “Forecast Method” allows users to specify the preferred forecasting method. Options include Exponential Smoothing, Seasonal Exponential Smoothing, ETS, ARIMA, and TBATS.

(i) DISPLAY SPEED. The clock depicted button allows users to select the speed of graphical rendering. Some visualization and statistical detail and quality may be sacrificed at higher rendering speeds.

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(a) “Networks” are one of many types of visualizations available to users in RightChain.ai. Networks display the activity between connected points in a data set.




(b) “Tab Name” allows the user to name the visualization. The tab name appears in the section of visualization names.

(c) “Tab Description” allows users to create descriptive tool tips which appear upon hovering on tab names.


(d) “Metrics” allows users to select the metric for display in the Network Chart. Some typical Network Charts in RightChain™ Nodes plot the cube, weight, lines, units, or currency moving between two data points.



(e) “Dimension From” allows users to select the origin type or dimension for Networks.

(f) “Dimension To” allows users to display the “destination” type or dimension for Networks.

Optimization Page Navigation | Plot Controls Panel | Network Chart

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(a) “Correlations” are one of many types of visualizations available to users in RightChain.ai. Correlations display the strength of association between pairs of factors or objects. In the example the strength of association between pairs of factors (weight, units, sales, lines, and cubic volume) are displayed related to a distribution center.



(b) “Tab Name” allows the user to name the visualization. The tab name appears in the section of visualization names.

(c) “Tab Description” allows users to create descriptive tool tips which appear upon hovering on tab names.


(d) “Dimension” allows users to select the dimension of the Correlations Chart. Some typical Correlation Charts in RightChain™ Nodes include LAT-LON coordinates, postal codes, cities, states, countries, and lanes.



(e) “Metrics to Include” allows users to select the key metrics for display in the Correlations Chart. Some typical Correlation Charts in RightChain™ Nodes include metrics like cube, weight, order lines, and $s.

(f) “Statistics” allow users to display a variety of statistics related to the solution and/or input data including min, 1 st quartile, median, mean, 3 rd quartile, max, counts, correlations, standard deviations, and kurtosis.


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(a) MAPS are one type of visualization creatable via RightChain.ai optimization and insights. MAPS require geographic data in the core input data set. Those types of geographic data include latitudes, longitudes, postal codes, cities, states, and countries.

(b) “Map Background” allows users via dropdown menu to choose between Natural and Gray .

(c) “Driving Radius Displayed” allows users to display various driving radii including “Half Day”, “Same Day”, “1 Day”, and “2 Days” based upon driving distances and speeds.

(d) “Additional Plot Options” allow users to display user defined locations (included as an input file) and all mappable data points. Check box on/off.






(f) “A” allows users to edit labels in the visualization.


Optimization Page Navigation | Plot Controls Panel | Maps

(e) “ ● ” allows users to edit markers in the visualization including various colors, shapes, and sizes related to aspects of the optimization solution and/or insights.

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