12 | R i g h t C h a i n ™ Putting the two together , supply chain logistics is the flow of material, information and money in the infrastructure of factories, warehouses, ports, information systems, highways, railways, terminals, and modes of transportation connecting consumers and suppliers. To use a sports analogy… Logistics is the game and the supply chain is the stadium. What is a Supply Chain Strategy? Just like there are a plethora of definitions of “logistics” and “supply chain”; there are also a plethora of definitions of “strategy”. What is “vision” in one world is “strategy” in another world. What is “strategy” in one world is “tactics” in another world. In the RightChain™ world, a supply chain strategy is the answer to the following ten questions. MISSION 1. What metrics and targets should I use to define supply chain success? 2. What should my supply chain service strategy be? SUPPLY 3. How much inventory should I carry and where? 4. Who should I buy and source from and in what quantities?
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