The RightChain Guide to Supply Chain Network Optimization 18

Animated publication

RightChain™ Guide to Supply Chain Network Optimization

RightChain™ Nodes

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Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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Cp aucs kt oamg i enrgs sainz de saunpdp lwi eerisg ha rt se caonndt i cnounafl il gy urrea- tl ioocnast i na gr e. Pcroondtui nc tu aa nl l dy cc ho ma npgei nt igt i. vMe el ar gnedrssc aapned. aRceqaul ies si ttiaotne s, ccarpe iattael , aa nc odnlsatbaonrt l ayvcahi laanbgi li int yg ac on md re a taensda rgeod yant a tmh ei c . sGwoivpeer nomf ean tps eann. d Mg oo vdeer, ncma rerni te rr e ga nu dl a t pi oonrst t t a r i v m a a d e il e a h b a ig i g l h r it e . y e S m e a c r e u e n r t i u t s n y a p r r r i e s e k d i s n i c a t t n a o d b ta l r e l e . f q l N u u x e ir . t w e C m o o n r e k s n u t c s m o a n e r r g e e d p s e t r m i o o l o n if g e i r r s a a p t a i h t n i g a c . s n F a r a n e ll d e - transience are in flux. It is in that context, that supply chain network on pu tmi mb ei zra ot ifo dn i sdt reitbeur tmi oi nn eps o itnhtes innuema bc he r l aoyfe rl, oagni sdt i tchs e llaoyceartsi o, nt hoef eh aa cs ha dmi sat rj oi br ui mt i opna cptooi nnt .r Ae sc pc oo rnds ien tgilmy , essu, pi npvl ye nc thoari yn lneevtewl so, rfki l ldreasti egsn, awnadr e hsouups pi nl yg c ocsht sa,i ni n v ecnotsot rs y cianrcrlyuidnign cgo s ttsr, aannsdp ol orst at tsiaolne s ccoosst st s. , The optimal network design minimizes the total supply ac hnadi nc ocmo sptl ywi nhgi l ewsi at ht i safnyyi nngect wu sotrokmceornrset rsapionnt ss .e t i m e r e q u i r e m e n t s Objective Function Minimize Total Supply Chain Costs


RightChain™ Nodes

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Constraints 1. 2 3 . . MMeeeett aallll lcaunsetofmloewr rreeqsupiornesmeetnimtse. requirements. 4 5 . . DD oo nn oo tt vv ii oo ll aa tt ee aa nn yy lf aa nc iel i tt hy rsot uo gr ahgpeu ct acpa apcaict ii teise. s . Do not violate any facility throughput capacities. Network Tradeoffs sBoemf oer ek we ye tdr ae dl veeo if nf st oa to wu ro nr ke tiwn ot rhka td we si il gl ng umi deet htohde oel ov ag lyu, at thi eorne aanr de design of alternative networks. Network Configuration and Inventory Carrying Cost Ss tuopcpkliyn gc h al oi nc aitni ov en ns t oi nr y tl ehvee l ns el ot wg ioc rakl l y i innccrreeaassee a( sF itghuer en u 1m) b. eTr hoef it nh cer ae sassoeciisaat erde sf uo lrteoc fa tsht ee gr rr oe rast ,e ar nndu mt hbeerreos fudl tei pn gl o ay dmdei tni to dnea cl issai of entsy, si dt oe cnkt i. fCyoi nngs et hq eu ef enwt l ye,sat snuupmpbl ye rc hoaf ilno gniesttwi c os rfka ci si l iot fi teesnt ho aptt iwmiilzl emdebeyt customer response time requirements.

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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Figure 1 Supply Chain Network and Inventory Tradeoff Analysis

Network Configuration and Travel Times Ai mnpy anc te t wo fo rtkh eo pnt iemt wi zoa rt iko ndaens iaglny s ios na l scou snt oe me desr t os ecrovni csei d et irmtehse. Af ascsi ul i mt i ei ns gi ntchr ee afsaecsi,l itthi ees a av reer apg lea cdei sdt alno cgei c taol l yc ,u satso mt heer snduemc br eear s eosf (bFaisgeudreec2r)e.aCseosr.respondingly, the response time to the customer


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Figure 2 Network design impact on the distance and time to the customer base

Network Design and Transportation Cost Ad issstuamn ci en g ttoh e csuasmt oemterrasn s dp eo cr rt aetaisoens , msood e ss haoruel de mtphleo y eodu,t ba os utnhde tnreatnws op rokr taant ai ol yns ci so sr te. cTe hn at ltypchoemn op ml e teendo fno irs ar leaf rl egcet er edt iani l Fe ri g. Nu roet e3 tihnaat ai nsc rt ehaes ensu. mH obwe re voefr , f taocti al ilt iter sa nisnpcor er taastei os ,n icnovsetndt eo cr rye acsaersr .yTi nhge scuo ms t ofafcitlhitoiesse. two, the total logistics cost is minimized with four

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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Figure 3 RightChain™ Nodes Optimization for a Large Retailer


8 | RightChain™ Nodes Network Cost and Service Wi n chl eund ewceu satdodm ienrv reenstpo or yn scea rt irmy iensg i na ntdh et rsaanms pe ocrot antsiiodne rcaot si ot sn , awn de gs ue tp tphl ye cohpat ii nmsi ez ar vt iioc ne ppor el i sceynrteeqduiinr eFdi guus rteo 4r ebaeclho wt h. eI nc ut shti os mc aesreb, at hs ee imneneot tlhesast rtheqanui4re8mheonutrrse. qTuhiereledassitxcfoascti ldi teiessi g. n that allowed u s to

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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Figure 4 RightChain™ Nodes optimization for a large spares organization


10 | RightChain™ Nodes RightChain™ Nodes Methodology St oi no c ei se aict hs coopr tpi omraalt i os nu ’pspvleyn dc ho ra iann dnceut ws toormk .e rWb aes edaervee luonpi eqdu e t, hs oe Re vi ga hl ut Ca thea ni ne™t wNoor dk essc emneatrhi oo sd ot hl oagt ymteoe ht et hl pe ior uurnci ql i ue ne tos bdj ee cvtei vl oeps aa nn dd bl euasvi en ebseshoi nbdj etcht ei voe ns -agnodi nngect awpoarbki lci toyn tsot rcaoi nn tssi dcehra nn eg we dsoc ve enra rt ii mo sea. s








Figure 5 RightChain™ Nodes network optimization methodology

1. Assess and evaluate the current network performance . Each alternative network configuration mp eur sf ot rbme a cnoc me op fa rt ehde cwuirt rhe nt ht en ef it nwaonrcki a. lT, os et rhvaitc ee ,n ad n, da fri irsskt step in network re-configuration is an assessment of the

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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pRei grhf ot Cr mh aainnc™e S oc of r etbhoe a rcdu rprreens te n tneedt wi no rCkh. a pWt eer 2u s ae s tt hh ee baseline network performance assessment.

Figure 6 RightChain™ Scoreboard


12 | RightChain™ Nodes 2. Design and populate network optimization database. nOentew oorf k t oh pe t immoi zsat t i counmi sb ecroslol emc et i nagn, dp utriimf yei n- cgo, nrsaut mi o ni nagl i zsi nt egp, sa ni nd pc ur ob fei sl i, n gf a ct hi l ei t ide as ,t acboasstes , o af nodr i gcionns s, tdr ea si nt itns a ttihoant, vt yopl ui fmy eas , nweet iwg ho trsk, og ep ot icmo di zeadt i ol on cdaat it oa nb sa s ae n. Ad s ma mo di na li mt ruamv et lh es pd ea et adbs a sael osnhgo uel adcshp el ac inf ye cv oa nr ina ebcl et i nwg apri ec hk uo up s, idnegl ,i v ienrvye, na tnodr yd i sctarri rbyui tni og ,n al oncda t it or anns ;s pf iox retda tai no nd ct ioms tesw; ri ne sdpoownss ief st ipme cei fri ee qd u) ;i pr ermo deunctts afvoari leaabci hl i t yd ealti veearcyh spooui nr ct e( aa nn dd pa nr odd ul oc tc adtei omna ntdh raot ue ga hc hp udte l iavnedr y sptooirnatg; ea n yc oi mn smt roa vi natbsl;e laoncda t i loannse; vTohlius ms et espi nmwaeyi g ht atk, ceu bf reo, mf r e aq ufeenwc yt,oa nsde vmeor anle twa reye kvsa l ut oe acnodmupnl ei ttse. dc oe mp emn od di ni tgi eosn, ttrhaen snpuomr tbaet ri oannmd ov da re ise, taynodf apl ti ce kr nu apt/i dv ee l fi lvoewr yppa ot hi ns t. s , Mapping is a powerful data visualization platform for nf oert wc oonrski ddeart aa t bi oenc aaunsde qi tuci caknl yq ue il ci mk liyn sa ut eg gs oe smt en et ht wa tomr ka ay l ht earvnea bt ieveens ionf t hteh ce o nws iodrelrda’ st i o nl asregte. sWt e adeervoesl po apceed t hc eo mmpa apnpiiensg. b eTlho ewy f o rwoenr ee cwoonrsl idd. eOr inncges ut hpep l my cahpa iwn ahsu bpsu ibnl ias hveadr i, eot yu ro f dl oe cs ai gt ni o nt es aamr o uqnudi ctkhl ye focused on a northeast hub for the new assembly center.

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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Figure 7 RightChain Nodes™ mapping for global aerospace supply chain

Figure 8 RightChain™ Nodes mapping for a global assembly center


14 | RightChain™ Nodes Our recent mapping of customer activity for a European bc oi ontsei cdhenr aotl ioogny tcoo rme pa ca hn ya lql uoifc kt hl ye iird Ee nu triof ipeeda nt h cr ue es t loomg iecrasl bs iyt et sr uf cokr within 24 hours.

Figure 9 RightChain™ Nodes optimization for a European biotech

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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Our recent mapping of a global healthcare network identified rr ea dp ui dn dcaonncsioelsi di ant itohne Ei nUt o, Aamn e rEiUc a sl o, gainsdt i cAss icae-nPtaecri f inc eaanr dAlme ds tteor da arma t, haenr America’s center in Miami, and an Asia-Pacific center in Singapore.

Figure 10 RightChain™ Nodes optimization for a global healthcare company


16 | RightChain™ Nodes 3. Create network design alternatives. A supply chain mc oonds ei dl ienrg. Hteonocl e c, at hne oc rnel ya t ieovnaol uf at ht ee at hl tee r sncaet ni vaersi of os r ict o inss i gdievreant i ot no ims eothnoedoofl,ogity.not the most important step in the RightNodes™ The charge is to challenge current supply chain paradigms ac on nd s bi dr ea ri ni snt tohr eme va sa l mu aat ni oyn f. eTa hs iabtl yr ecql ue vi reers sccoennsai dr ieorsi nags npeows ssi bu lpep tl oy cc hr oasi ns - fdl oo wc k pi nagt ,t ecronns sfiogrnema ec hn tc oi nmvme notdoirt yy , i ni nc lbuodui nn gd dai rnedc tosuhtibpopui nngd, consolidation, and merge-in-transit schemes. We use flow path optimization to help our clients consider tehnousme e mr ayt iroi and o ff l oawl l st. h Fe l opwo t epnat ti ahl of lpotwi mpi zaat thi so ni n b ae gni nest wwo ri tkh. Aa nn eisxpamropvliedeednuinmFeirgautrioen11cobmelpolwet.ed for a large healthcare company

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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Figure 11 RightChain™ Nodes flow path enumeration This step may also require pre-modeling analysis. An edxeat emr mp l ien ei s tShKeU a- lneavleyls i so pwt iemrael c esnutpl yp l cyo ncdhuaci nt e df l ot ow h eplapt has .c l iTehnet ainltFeirgnuarteiv1e2flboewlopwa.ths for each item are illustrated and evaluated


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Figure 12 RightChain™ optimization for a food manufacturing firm

We also consult the supply chain real estate community wt hhi se ns twe pe af or re et wv aol uiamt ipnogr tcaanntd irdeaatseo nnse.t wF iorrskt , l owcea t wi oanns t. tWo ea vt aoki de considering locations that are market-wise unprofitable. Second,

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D. af osrs lt or ac na tgi en ga smi tamj oar yl os og iusnt idc,st hf aecriel i ti si eas .v Ke rnyo lwi mi ni tge tdhroasnegleo oc af toi po tni so ni ns atidmvealnincee.can save many weeks on a supply chain network project One real estate option we often consider is what we call an p u re r r m b ox a o i n m v e s i t d t r y i f k r t o e o m p m o t i h u n e l t t c ( ip U o l n S e g P e p ) s . o t A i i n o n t n u s o r o b f f a t h n h e e s h t a r e v i a y k v e y s p u s o p u i p n p l t p y i l s y a l a n o n d c d a d t d e e e d m m i a n a n n c d d lo ; ; s i i e s s ihni gchl oqsue apl irt oy xai mn di t rye taos omn ua bl t li yp lpe r ii nc et edr swt aotrek faocrccees; sopf foeirnst sr ;e ai ss onneaabr l ea o d c is c r u u p p a t n io c n y . costs; and has minimal risks of supply chain When those criteria are applied, the potential locations for ma ma j aojro lrorgei st at iicl es rf at hc ei liirt i fel so wn apr ar ot hwos pqtui mi cikzlayt. i oI nn ah irgehc lei ng ht tperdo jtehcet nweiet dh fao mr aa jmo ra j eoar swt ec sotacsot aDs Ct .DTChnee au rr bt ha eni rs twr iekset cpooai ns tt paonratlsy os ifse fnotrr yt ha enidr wc l oe ss et cporaosxt i DmCi t yq utioc k ltyh ehiirg hi nl i gbhotuendd t hPeo rMt oor ef nLooVn ga l l eBye aacrhe;a twh ei tihr cg uo sotdo mweerast hienr ;Caacl icfeosrsn itao aI nntde rasct raot es ss 5t h, e1 0w, e1s5t,e ar nn dU4n1i t5e;dn eS wt a t De sC; construction opportunities; and an excellent workforce. | 19


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Figure 13 RightChain™ optimization for a major retailer

Figure 14 Urban strike point analysis for a major retailer

4. Develop network optimization model. The next step is to formalize the network optimization model, expressing the

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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n i l sc uo np sptlrya icnht sa i(nt ycpoi cs at sl l ya fsos couc si aetde do nwt ihteh r tehsep odnessei gt inm) eaanndd ad esme ta nodf rme oq du ei rl ienmg etnotosl s oaf n dt htee mc upsl at ot ems earr el opcraet-i coonns f)i.g u rAetd tthoi sc opnos ii nd te, r ot hu er full range of possible network models and scenarios. 5. Evaluate alternative network designs. The next step is T f t r o h o e e m v e a v a lu a m a lu o te a n t g e io a n a ch l t s e s u r c m n e a n m t a i a v r r e io i e n s o e n a t w l t l h o o e w r k b a e d s x i e e s s c i u o g f t n iv c s o e s s s t i , n t o s c e e r q v u t i h i c c e e k , l c y a o n s d d t e r c a i i s n d k d e . soef rovui cr er et rcaednet onfef st wa roer kq ue va na ltui fai et ido na sn da rperpe sr ee snet endt egdr ba pe lhoiwc a. l l y . A f e w RightChain™ Biotech Os tnued eo nf tt sh. e jOony es oof ft e ma cyh i nf agvi os rtiht ee f r( iyeensd, s thei apcs ht ehrast dheavveel o pf awv oi trhi t tehse) sbti uo dt eecnhtns ool of gayl l ctoi mm ep ai ns yt.hDea vv iec ei s po rnees oi df et nh te ob fe sl ot gl oi sgti isctsi c fi oa rn sa I lhaar vg ee elovgeirstwicsoriskeedxcwepitthio.nHails. management of inter- and intra-facility Dave called me one day distraught. I asked him what was awnrdo ncgl o. sHeed si ta. i”dI, a“ Os kuerdChEiOm j uwsht yc. aHmee siani tdo, “oOunr enoe fwo ue ar set m- c opal os yt eDeCs


22 | RightChain™ Nodes ho na dt haebsapdo at .t tWi t ue ’dr ee tmo wo vai rndg hailml o aunr di nt vheenCt oErOy stho utth teh we epsl at cceo adsotw. ” nI s“ Ta ihda, t ’“sBrui tg hatl. l Oyuoru lro gcius st itcosmceorsst saar ree ogno i nt hget oe agsot t chor ao sutg. ”h Ht hee sraoi odf, and our service levels are going to plummet.” About 18 months later Dave called again. I asked him what wc oasst ga or ei nggooi nng. Ht her os auigdh, “tOh eu rr oCoEfOa ni sd voeur yr caunsgtroymt ehra ts eoruvri cl eo gl iesvt ei cl ss himavmeedpialutemlymaenteddI.’dHlieke wyoaunrtshetlpo.” optimize our supply chain The preliminary network mapping led to a total of five na estiwn golrek dsicset rniabrui ot iso n( Fpi goui nr et , 1i n5 )o. nTewcoa os ef tah opsaer csecle cnaarrri ioesr ’csa al lierdhfuobr aTnhde ionthaenrotthhreerecas cseenaa3riPoLs lwoceartei obni -oc onatshtealC. hic ag o O’Hare c am pus . The cost and service tradeoffs are presented in the figure. Iann dt hl iesa cs at sr ei s ok nt oe ss uc epnpal yr icohpa ri ne sdei ns rt eudp ttiho en l—o wrees- ot pc oe ns ti ,nbgetsht esfearcvi il ci tey, tFhoeryt uhnaadt eplrye, vt hi oeuos rl yi gci nl oaslefda cainl i dt yc ho andt i nn uo ti nyge tt ob oe epne rsaotled i onrCoacl ci fuopr ni ei da .. Icno mamd duint ii oc ant, i oann twi c ii tpha t it nh ge ft oh remsecre neamr ipol ,o yDeaevs e. Thhaed s mo l au itni ot ani nreed- lwo ictaht eadl oowu r- ccol isetn, ht iignhtlhyerme sipdodnl es iovfet, hl oewt w- roi slka rsguepspt lbyi oc ht eaci hn . m a r k e t s

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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Inventory Carrying Cost $10,038,450 $10,038,450 $9,936,520 $10,038,450 $10,038,450 TOTAL LOGISTICS COST $30,633,616 $30,428,029 $29,237,032 $28,167,191 $28,258,041 Order Cutoff Time 12:00 AM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:30 PM 7:00 PM Supply Chian Failure Risk High - SPF Moderate Low Lowest Moderate # of Network Airports 1 2 2 6 4 Shipment Consolidation Yes Yes No Yes Yes Weather Related Service Interruptions Moderate Worst Moderate Best Moderate Marketplace Proximity Poor Worst Good Best Best Same-Day Capability No No No Yes Yes New Facilities Required Yes Yes Yes No Yes Learning Curve Difficult Most Difficult Easiest Easy Moderate

Centralized - Single DC East Coast/West Coast Distribution Airborne Hub Best Central Current Frederick Best East Wilmington Chicago/ND GI/CA FR/CA BE/CA

Total Transportation Cost $10,468,913 $10,938,410 $10,632,484 $9,236,174 $9,208,574 Total Warehousing Cost $10,126,253 $9,451,169 $8,668,028 $8,848,997 $9,011,017

Notes 5% AB Rate Discount North Dakota Proximity to CS Less to Canada Proximity to NY

Figure 15 RightChain™ Network Optimization for a large biotech


24 | RightChain™ Nodes RightChain™ E-commerce Ls toi nu t i as s acnhoi tehf esru po pn ley oc fh ma i ny of af fvi oc er ri t, eh es t iundheenr ti st e. dWahne no vhe er - be xe pg aa nn dheids ng reot wwot hr k. Abs l odaetme da n idn g rr eo swptohn ss el o wt oe du, nt hper ierc es du epnptl eydc hea- icno mc oms te-rtcoe- exploded. Lou asked for our help in optimizing their The network optimization is presented in Figures 4.16 ae nf f de c4t i. 1v 7e l. yNcol toes itnhga ta tnhaedr ed iwt i oe rnea ls iDx Cs ci ne ne aa rciho ss cuenndaer ri oc. oTnhsei ddeercaitsi ioonn, cvas m. t ewdoo(wA nt l at on taa ,nRe tewn oo)r kDoCfst. hTrheee t(oAttal al nl ot ag,i sHt ai crsr icsobsutrbg e, at wn de eRne nt hoe) trwe aoc hoepdt iaonn sa dwd iatsi o nn ae la r5l%y iodf etnhtei cUa lS, pboupt utl ha tei otnh rwe iet hDi nC t wn eot wd aoyrsk. Tmhaanta gaedmdei tni ot nc oa ml ps leerxvi itcyeo f wa na se x dt reaedmi setdr i bwu toi rotnh c etnhtee r .aTdhdei t ei ox nt raal dr iisskt roi bf uf ut ieol np rciecne tienrc roena st he se aenads ts cuopapslty aclhsaoi nh edlips er udpttoi omn si t. i g a t e t h e

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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Figure 16 RightChain™ Optimization Map for e-commerce fulfillment


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Figure 17 RightChain™ Optimization for e-commerce

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Network Holes La sosgi igsnt imc se nz ot no ef sc, uasl tsoomkenros wt on tahse si re rpvriicme atreyr rdi ti sotrri iebsu, tdi oe tne or mr si ne er vtihc ee pmoi inni tm. uI dme at lrlayv, eel atci hm ec, uasnt odm/ oerr mwi inl li mbuems ecrovset dd ifsrtormi b uittiso nc l po os ei ns tt ,. Hthoewpeovsesrib, dleu.e to DC capacity constraints, that may not always be One of our clients is the largest retailer in Mexico. The co of m1 0p ,a0n0y0 i ss taodrde isn. gTnheea rr al yp 1i d, 0g0r0o swt ot hr eks epeeprs ytehaer tcoa pi tascci tuyr, r ce anpt abcai st ye pa sl akne nd i tnog d, ae nv edl onpe wa l oc on ng s- tter rumc t il oo ng i sutni cdse zr ocnoenos tpat ni mt iszt ar at iionn. .WA es cwr eeer ne sc ho no tt i nfur aolml y otphtei moi zpi tni gmtihz ae tlioogni s tiisc s pz roonveisd, et dh e icnu mFui gl autri ve e s1a8v. i nBgys ws t iol rl ebse i ms soer re vtehda nw $i t5h0 i, 0n 0c r0e, 0a 0s i0n, gwdhei ll iev ee rnys uf rr ei nqgu et hnac ty eaanc dh sohf ot hr teei rr response times.


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Figure 18 RightChain™ Optimization for a large retailer

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D. Compute Reconfiguration Cost-Benefit . No matter how cc oo ms t peafrfeedc t ti voet hae bn ae swe l inneet wmoarykn od te sbieg ns umf f iacyi e nbte ,t ot hoef f sseat vtihneg sc oasst oc of srt es c oi nn fcilguudrei n gt hteh e c oe sxti s t oi nf g rneel ot wc aot irnkg. pTehrossoen nr ee cl ,o nsfei gvue rr aa tnicoen, rdeislorucapttiinogn intvoentcoursyt,omopeerninsgeravnicde. closing costs, and potential An example network reconfiguration cost-benefit analysis is presented in Figure 19. | 29

Figure 19 Cost-benefit analysis for a network reconfiguration

7. Make Go/No-Go Decision . At this point we’ve done our hc aonmpe rwoovri dk ea. n dWper ec saenn mt e adkme aan raegceommemn tewn di taht itohne bbue ts tt ha ne adl yesciiss iwo ne uc ol tri pmoartaetliyo n .r eI s’ vt es s eweint hm atnhye n ehtiwg hoer skt -ml eovdeel l i negx eacnuatliyvseess i ignn o rt ehde ienx pt he er i ef inncael , di ne ct ui si itoi onns , mg uatd fee be ly oar CpEoOl i toi craCl Oi nOf l. u eTnhceey ogfo own ei t ha stpheeci rt of the organization over another. That is executive prerogative.


30 | RightChain™ Nodes Tmhaanta’ sg eOmKe. n tT wh ei t ho bt jheec t bi vees t orf e tphree sme notda et il oi nng oef f fsourpt pilsy tcoh api rne sceons tt and service tradeoffs associated with network design decisions.

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