The RightChain Guide to Supply Chain Network Optimization 18

16 | RightChain™ Nodes 3. Create network design alternatives. A supply chain mc oonds ei dl ienrg. Hteonocl e c, at hne oc rnel ya t ieovnaol uf at ht ee at hl tee r sncaet ni vaersi of os r ict o inss i gdievreant i ot no ims eothnoedoofl,ogity.not the most important step in the RightNodes™ The charge is to challenge current supply chain paradigms ac on nd s bi dr ea ri ni snt tohr eme va sa l mu aat ni oyn f. eTa hs iabtl yr ecql ue vi reers sccoennsai dr ieorsi nags npeows ssi bu lpep tl oy cc hr oasi ns - fdl oo wc k pi nagt ,t ecronns sfiogrnema ec hn tc oi nmvme notdoirt yy , i ni nc lbuodui nn gd dai rnedc tosuhtibpopui nngd, consolidation, and merge-in-transit schemes. We use flow path optimization to help our clients consider tehnousme e mr ayt iroi and o ff l oawl l st. h Fe l opwo t epnat ti ahl of lpotwi mpi zaat thi so ni n b ae gni nest wwo ri tkh. Aa nn eisxpamropvliedeednuinmFeirgautrioen11cobmelpolwet.ed for a large healthcare company

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