Warehouse Activity Profiling and Data Mining


Figure 14. Lines and cube per order distribution or a healthcare supplies distributor. The example in Figure 15 is a lines and cube per order distribution from a mt oayj o) ,r arnedt a lial rcgl iee n( tx. Nt ooyt e) . tTh ha ti st hi se toyrpdiecrasl l tye tnhde t coafsael l wi nht eoroenoensl my aa l lf e(wx t ooryd)e, rmteydpieusma r( ex rt he ea l el yx at mh epr lee; , as nmda tl lhoerr de earrsea rr eeapl li yc koendl yv iaa fsepwe cvi iaal bpl iec kc o- pnac cekp tcsa rf ot sr ht ho ol dsien go rt de ne rt ot ytpwees n. It ny ot or df ei vres po er dr ecrasr tp. eMr ecdai rutm. Lsairzgeeoor dr de er sr sa raer ep ipcikcekde dwoi tnhemaet dai utmi msei zi en cl aa rr tgse hoorlddei nr gc at wr tos holding a single order per tour.

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