Warehouse Activity Profiling and Data Mining
pd ri setfrei rbeunt ci oe nrse. g i oTnh so sf oe r i et eamc hs sitno rtahgee bmoot tdoemb erci og hmt e- htahnedi r ppoorpt ui ol anr iot yf - tchueb ed mi s torvi be mu t ei onnt gHeennecrea, tteh tehye smh oous ltdp bi cek iansgs iagcnt ei vdi ttyo ppeor sui tni oi tnosf isnp tahc ee tghoel dy eonc czuopnye .i nTthhoesset oi treamg es mi notdhee. uo fp sppear crei gt hh et yh oa nc cdu apny di nl ot wh ee rs tloerf at ghea nmdo gd een. eHr ea nt ec ea t mh eoyd sehr oa tuel dn bu emabsesri gonf epdi ct ok sp po es irt iuonni st idni s tt rhieb ustiilovne rg eznoenrea. t e Ft ihnea fl el yw, et shtops ei c ki tsepmesr ui nn i tt hoef suppapc ee rt hl eeyf t ohc ac unpd y qaunaddtrhaenyt sohfo ut hl de be assigned positions in the bronze (least accessible) zone. This example is not meant to make an end-all recommendation for slotting br ar toek, etnh ec acsoespt i cokf i snpgascyes, t tehme s c. oTsht aot fd ce appe int da ls, ot nh empalna yn no ti nh ge rhf oa rc itzoor ns ,i nect cl u. d Ii nn gs ttehaedw, tahgi es euxs ae dm pi nl e tihs ep sr el ostetni nt egdptrooicl el ussst. r aOt en cheo wi n t hp el apc oe ,p tuhl ae rdi tiys-tcrui bbuet-imo no vpermo ve indteds i smt roi bs tu toi fo nt hies insights required for slotting the entire warehouse.
Figure 23. RightChain™ Warehousing Insights SKU demographics screen.
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