Warehouse Activity Profiling and Data Mining


Figure 29. Commodities per order distribution. (RightChain™ Insights)

4.7 Demand Variability Profile Td ah iel yddeemmaanndd- vf aorri ae abci lhi t iyt edmi s. t rUi bn uf ot ri ot unn(aFtiegl uy r, ea n3 i0t )e mi n’ ds idc aa itleys dtehme asnt adnids anrodt dp er ve di ai tcitoanb loef. Ds uucrhi nt gh aat reeaccehn tp pi crko fj ea cc te wh eel wd ae rdeatyr’ys i wn go tr ot hs iozfes tt ho ec kp. i cTkhfea mc eos tai vl oa nt ograwcaass et op mi c ka ikneg slui nr ee tphi cakt wf aec edsi ds inz oe dt nf oe er da nt oarveesrtaogcek da al yo’csadt ieomn adnudr ,i na gn dt hteh ed ac yl i .e nTthceo cuul dr rne on tt fdi ge us irgenohuat dwt hh ye twhhe yy . hIaf dt hteo pr iecskt of ac kc es ios ms i az endy fl oo rc at thi eo nasv edruargi en gd at hy e, ucnoluerssset ho ef tshaemdeaqy u. aInht iot py ei sy po iuc ks ee de edvaeyrsywshi negnl et hdeapyi, ctkh ef arceewi si lul nbde emr sainz eydd, at hy us swrheeqnu itrhi ne gpai crke fpal ceen iisshomv ee nr sti. z e d a n d m a n y The real objective was to make sure that there was no need to restock during af apc ei cmk iunsgt sbhei fsti z( 2e dpti oc ka cs choi fmt smpoedr adtaeyt ha en da v1e rr ae sgteodc ka yi n’ sg dsehmi f ta npde rpdl uasy )e.n Ho uegnhc et ,ot choevpeirc1k sdteavni da tai rodn sdoef vdi ae tmi oann doffo rd ae m1 %a ncdh af no cr e ao f 5r %e s t oc chkainncge. Oonf creetsht eo cpki icnkgf a ac ne sd w2e r set raensdi za er dd

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