Wisdom for Warehousing Transcript
Configured accordingly, a warehouse may be an excellent space for quality control via visual inspection. Managed properly, warehouse locations holding products that have not cleared quality compliance may be blocked from access until clearance occurs. Response time, excellent. We'll put that under customer service. We have a client in the Sc ui l si ct oo mn eVra lwl eiyt,h iann dt wt ho e ihr ocuurss t oomf erre cseeirvvi ni cge tphoel i coyr ds ea ry s f rtohma t tt hh ee y cwu si tl lo mh aevre. Ng ooowd, s t ht oe yt'hr ee sc ue tpepr oa r: ttihnegyccuasnt o' tmbeer tsoi nt hToesleApvl iavc, easnwd iTt ho ikny ot w, aonhdoTuhr sa ifl raonmd , Sa annd JToes ne ,nCe as sl ief oe ,r na ni ad. TT hu er yk ehya, veet to have physical warehouses very close to the customer.
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