Wisdom for Warehousing Transcript


(Y0e0s:,2s9ir:?54Ja)s:on brought up a good point there. What do you do with replacement parts? Like Hi t 'ol lnmd aa, kwe ey' ov eu rdho enaed as pl oi tn .oAf nwdo irtki swriet ha l lHy own do ar k, itnhge,yb' ruet itnhter roed' su cl oi nt gs onfe wp a rctasr tmh aotdceol smseo wf ai tsht tgheat tg. oTohde raet' smaalneaggi tiinmg aitte. Sboums i en eosfs i nt ej uesdt tcoohmaevse wa lilt ht htohsee tneerwr i tpoarryt. sB, aunt di f syooyuocua jnu srte dh ua vc ee ti to, you'd like to reduce it.

Warehouse Op�miza�on In technical terms , op�miza�on is an approachto decision making or problem solving that frames the issue at hand with an objec�ve func�on and constraints. In warehousing, the objec�ve is to minimize total warehousing costs. The constraintsare the service , throughput, storage, safety, and security requirements . Total warehousing costs include the cost of labor, occupancy, material handling systems , and informa�on handling systems . Service requirements (constraints)include inventory and shipping accuracy as well as inbound and outbound cycle �mes . Throughput requirements include peak and average inbound and outbound transac�on rates at the docks and throughout the facility. Storage requirements , peak and average , are dictated by the inventory strategy and associated inventory peaks and valleys . Safety and security requirements are corporate mandates . RightChain™ Warehousing considers the full range of warehousing costs and constraintsin cra�ing op�mal warehouse designs.

Honda Parts DC Atlanta, Georgia


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RightChain™ Incorporated

Honda parts warehousing has become especially challenging with the proliferation of new part types to support waves of new Honda car models.

(R0o0b:e3r0t:2[i7n)a:udible 00:30:28]. And that's around kitting. Sometimes what you do there is you at hr eo upgrho. l iSfoemr aet itni mg eSsKkUi st i nbge ci as uas ge otohde ikdiet ai sa nadSsKoUm. eI tt 'ismneos tkti ht ' as tnkoitt ai sg on oe cdeisdseaar.i lIyt da obeasda di dde aa St hKeUp, lsuos tshi adte' si no nk ittht ien gc ?o nT ismi dee. Bo ef ct ahue sperwo sh ea nn dt hceo no sr dtehra tc oymo ue sd oi n i, nt hae rkei t' si nngoaansasl eyms i sb. l yWwh oa tr'ks tohradterhsacsatnoyboeu dreoanlely. Tfohreecparsot btolekmnoiswytohuathaakviet wtoiltl rsyattiosfyfigthuerme .out what portion of those

Wisdom for Warehousing | Copyright: RightChain™ Incorporated | All Rights Reserved

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